2385 items
Rujevac Sb-Pb-Zn-As polymetallic deposit, Boranja orefield, Western Serbia: Native arsenic and arsenic mineralization
Radosavljević Slobodan, Stojanović Jovica, Radosavljević Mihajlović Ana,Vuković Nikola. "Rujevac Sb-Pb-Zn-As polymetallic deposit, Boranja orefield, Western Serbia: Native arsenic and arsenic mineralization" in Mineralogy and Petrology 108 no. 1, :Springer Vienna (2014): 111-122
Organic geochemical properties of matrix and xylite coal from the Kolubara and Kostolac basins, Serbia
Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhard, Gratzer Rainhard, Radić Dejan, Obradović Marko, Stojanović Ksenija (2013)Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhard, Gratzer Rainhard, Radić Dejan, Obradović Marko, Stojanović Ksenija. "Organic geochemical properties of matrix and xylite coal from the Kolubara and Kostolac basins, Serbia" in 64rd Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) Book of Abstracts, Sosnowiec, Poland:University of Silesia, Sosnowiec (2013): 50-51
Pyrolysis of lignite, HDPE, and lignite/HDPE mixture
Kojić Ivan, Gajica Gordana, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Stojanović Ksenija. "Pyrolysis of lignite, HDPE, and lignite/HDPE mixture" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 96-97
Dosadašnja saznanja o bijelim boksitima na prostoru Crne Gore
Mia Jovanović, Slobodan Radusinović, Vladimir Simić. "Dosadašnja saznanja o bijelim boksitima na prostoru Crne Gore" in Geološki glasnik (2023)
Origin of minette by mixing of lamproite and dacite magmas in Veliki Majdan, Serbia
Prelević Dejan, Foley Stephen, Cvetković Vladica, Romer Rolf. "Origin of minette by mixing of lamproite and dacite magmas in Veliki Majdan, Serbia" in Journal of Petrology 45, Oxford :Oxford University Press (2004): 759-792
Petrological and organic geochemical characterization of OM in coal and shales from the Ibar basin (south Serbia)
Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhadr, Gratzer Rainhadr, Stojanović Ksenija, Andrić Nevena, Simić Vladimir (2015)Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Sachsenhofer Rainhadr, Gratzer Rainhadr, Stojanović Ksenija, Andrić Nevena, Simić Vladimir. "Petrological and organic geochemical characterization of OM in coal and shales from the Ibar basin (south Serbia)" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 166-167
Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin
Životić Dragana, Stojanović Ksenija, Gržetić Ivan, Jovančićević Branimir, Cvetković Olga, Šajnović Aleksandra, Simić Vladimir, Stojaković Rajko (2011)Životić Dragana, Stojanović Ksenija, Gržetić Ivan, Jovančićević Branimir, Cvetković Olga, Šajnović Aleksandra, Simić Vladimir, Stojaković Rajko. "Petrological and geochemical composition of lignite from the D field, Kolubara basin" in Book of Abstracts / 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), Porto, Portugal:Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Ciencias (2011): 101-102
Tl(I) sequestration by pharmacosiderite supergroup arsenates: synthesis, crystal structures and relationships in Tl(I)–M(III)–As(V)–H2O (M = Al, Fe) system
Tamara Đorđević, Tarik Karasalihović, Michael Stöger-Pollach, Ljiljana Karanović. "Tl(I) sequestration by pharmacosiderite supergroup arsenates: synthesis, crystal structures and relationships in Tl(I)–M(III)–As(V)–H2O (M = Al, Fe) system" in Mineralogy and Petrology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-023-00823-4
Quartz from allchar as monitor for cosmogenic 26Al: Geochemical and petrogenetic constraints
Pavićević Miodrag, Cvetković Vladica, Amthauer Georg, A Bieniok, Boev Blazo, F Brandstätter, M Götzinger, Jelenković Rade, Prelević Dejan, Prohaska Thomas (2006)Pavićević Miodrag, Cvetković Vladica, Amthauer Georg, A Bieniok, Boev Blazo, F Brandstätter, M Götzinger, Jelenković Rade, Prelević Dejan, Prohaska Thomas. "Quartz from allchar as monitor for cosmogenic 26Al: Geochemical and petrogenetic constraints" in Mineralogy and Petrology 88, Heidelberg, Germany :Springer-Verlag (2006): 527-550. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-006-0134-8
Terminology Acquisition and Description Using Lexical Resources and Local Grammars
Acquisition of new terminology from specific domains and its adequate description within terminological dictionaries is a complex task, especially for languages that are morphologically complex such as Serbian. In this paper we present an approach to solving this task semi-automatically on basis of lexical resources and local grammars developed for Serbian. Special attention is given to automatic inflectional class prediction for simple adjectives and nouns and the use of syntactic graphs for extraction of Multi-Word Unit (MWU) candidates for ...... resources, GeolISSTerm 2 and RudOnto3 have been developed at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology. GeolISSTerm is a bilingual thesaurus of geologi- cal terms in Serbian and their English equiva- lents (Stankovic et al., 2011), divided in several subdomains: petrology, mineralogy, hydrogeolo- ...
... other termbases. Two examples from RudOnto can illustrate this: a term for employee position “Geologist for mineralogy, petrology, sedimentology and geochemical research” and a term for technical characteristics of machines “Length of the caterpillar transporting device measured from the vertical ...
... University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Terminology acquisition and description using lexical resources and local grammars Cvetana Krstev ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić. "Terminology Acquisition and Description Using Lexical Resources and Local Grammars" in Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, Granada, Spain, 2015, Granada : LexiCon (Universidad de Granada) (2015)
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2013)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks" in 64rd Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) Book of Abstracts, Sosnowiec, Poland:University of Silesia, Sosnowiec (2013): 108-109
Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays
... mineral deposit and economic geology. 4.1. Permitting in Serbia 4.1.1. Mining Sector The general procedure for exploration and exploitation of the new mine/quarry is divided in four steps: geological exploration, approval of exploitation, approval of execu- tion of mining operations, and approval for ...
... Greece, 17–20 September 1995; pp. 840–843. 49. Simić, V.; Jović, V.; Đurić, S. Geology and mineralogy of ceramic clay deposits in Western Serbia. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic, 2–6 September 1996; p. 113. 50. Radosavljević ...
... Interna- tional Conference on Surface Exploitation and Processing of Clay, Aranđelovac, Serbia, 20–23 October 2004; pp. 340–343. (In Serbian with English abstract) 44. Kužvart, M. Industrial Minerals and Rocks. In Developments in Economic Geology; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1984; Volume ...Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Zoran Miladinović. "Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays" in Resources, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10060063
Генеза хидротермалног Cu-Au система Чукару Пеки (Источна Србија)
Милош Велојић (2021)Главни циљ испитивања хидротермалног система Чукару Пеки је разумевање процеса који су довели до његовог настанка, а посебно еволуције рудоносних флуида из којих је настала рудна минерализација. Утврђено је да је овај систем настао у периоду пре 86,78 - 85,19 Ma из магматског интрузива који је био богат водом и имао висок оксидативни потенцијал. Током хлађења, из овог магматског интрузива су издвојени веома врели флуиди, који су имали температуре изнад 600°С и висок салинитет. У ...Борска металогенетска зона, Тимочки магматски комплекс, порфирска лежишта, високосулфидациона лежишта, флуидне инклузије, рудне парагенезе, геохронологија, хидротермалне алтерације, LA-ICP-MS... Hedenquist, J.W., Matsuhisa, Y., Izawa, E., White, N.C., Giggenbach, W.F., and Oaki, M., 1994. Geology, geochemistry, and origin of high sulfidation Cu-Au mineralization in the Nansatsu District, Japan: Economic Geology, v. 89, 1-30. 54. Heinrich, C.A. & Neubauer, F., 2002. Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag Metallogeny ...
... evolution leading to porphyry Au-Cu mineralization at the Ok Tedi deposit, Papua New Guinea: trace element geochemistry and high-precision geochronology of igneous zircon. Econоmic Geology 113:39-61. 83. Lecumberri-Sanchez, P., Steele-Macinnis, M., & Bodnar, R. J., 2012. A numerical model to ...
... revised Ce/Ce* method. Mineralogy and Petrology 113:755-763. 149. Zhu, Y., An, F., & Tan, J., 2011. Geochemistry of hydrothermal gold deposits: a review. Geoscience Frontiers, 2(3), 367-374. 150. Zimmerman, A., Stein, H.J., Hannah, J.L., Koželj, D., Bogdanov, K. and Berza, T., 2008. Tectonic co ...Милош Велојић. Генеза хидротермалног Cu-Au система Чукару Пеки (Источна Србија), Београд : [М. Велојић], 2021
Granatski amfiboliti Bistrice
Jovana Opančina (2024)Predmet ispitivanja ovog završnog rada su granatski amfiboliti Bistrice. Izvršena su petrografska i hemijska ispitivanja s ciljem da se odredi stepen metamorfizma, protolit ispitivanih stena i P-T uslovi nastanka. Ispitivani granatski amfiboliti geografski pripadaju Prijepolju, tačnije nalaze se na ulasku u Prijepolje, mesto Bistrica. Geološka građa obuhvata uglavnom mezozojske tvorevine među kojima se nalaze sedimentne, magmatske i metamorfne stene. Geološki procesi koji su doveli do stvaranja amfibolita su procesi subdukcije i obdukcije koji su se pretpostavljamo dešavali na većim ...Jovana Opančina. Granatski amfiboliti Bistrice, 2024
Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе
Ana S. Mladenović (2015-06-19)Циљ ове докторске дисертације био је реконструкција еволуције напонског пољаЗемљине коре у подручју Интерних Динарида у Србији током Алпске орогенезе.Истраживања за потребе решавања овог проблема су изведена у два дела. Првидео обухватао је анализу палеонапона на дефинисаном подручју истраживања,док се други део односио на анализу тренутно активног поља напона у овом делуБалканског полуострва. Истраживано подручје обухвата унутрашњи деоДинарског орогеног појаса, који се простире у централној и западној Србији. Собзиром на циљ истраживања, истраживано подручје је дефинисано тако даобухвата три ...Интерни Динариди, анализа палеонапона, фокални механизмиземљотреса, напонско поље, тектоно-магматски догађаји... W., Majer V. 1991. Geochemistry of peridotites and mafic igneous rocks from the Central Dinaric Ophiolite Belt, Yugoslavia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 106: 201 – 216 Marović M., Đoković I., Pešić L., Radovanović S., Toljić M., Gerzina N. 2002. Neotectonics and seismicity of the ...
... granites – Nomenclature. In: Didier J., Barbarin B. (Eds.) Enclaves and granite petrology. Developments in petrology no. 13, Amsterdam, pp. 19 – 23 Dimitrijević M. 2001. Dinarides and the Vardar Zone: a short review of the geology. Acta Vulcanologica 13: 1 – 8 143 Димитријевић М. 1995. Геологија ...
... Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposits. Lithos 148: 176 – 195 Bortolotti V., Kodra A., Marroni M., Mustafa F., Pandolfi L., Principi G.F., Saccani E. 1996. Geology and petrology of ophiolitic sequences in the Mirdita region (northern Albania). Ofioliti 21: 3 – 20 Bortolotti V., Marroni M., Pandolfi L., Principi G ...Ana S. Mladenović. "Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-19)
Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе
Ana S. Mladenović (2015-06-19)Циљ ове докторске дисертације био је реконструкција еволуције напонског пољаЗемљине коре у подручју Интерних Динарида у Србији током Алпске орогенезе.Истраживања за потребе решавања овог проблема су изведена у два дела. Првидео обухватао је анализу палеонапона на дефинисаном подручју истраживања,док се други део односио на анализу тренутно активног поља напона у овом делуБалканског полуострва. Истраживано подручје обухвата унутрашњи деоДинарског орогеног појаса, који се простире у централној и западној Србији. Собзиром на циљ истраживања, истраживано подручје је дефинисано тако даобухвата три ...Интерни Динариди, анализа палеонапона, фокални механизмиземљотреса, напонско поље, тектоно-магматски догађаји... W., Majer V. 1991. Geochemistry of peridotites and mafic igneous rocks from the Central Dinaric Ophiolite Belt, Yugoslavia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 106: 201 – 216 Marović M., Đoković I., Pešić L., Radovanović S., Toljić M., Gerzina N. 2002. Neotectonics and seismicity of the ...
... granites – Nomenclature. In: Didier J., Barbarin B. (Eds.) Enclaves and granite petrology. Developments in petrology no. 13, Amsterdam, pp. 19 – 23 Dimitrijević M. 2001. Dinarides and the Vardar Zone: a short review of the geology. Acta Vulcanologica 13: 1 – 8 143 Димитријевић М. 1995. Геологија ...
... Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposits. Lithos 148: 176 – 195 Bortolotti V., Kodra A., Marroni M., Mustafa F., Pandolfi L., Principi G.F., Saccani E. 1996. Geology and petrology of ophiolitic sequences in the Mirdita region (northern Albania). Ofioliti 21: 3 – 20 Bortolotti V., Marroni M., Pandolfi L., Principi G ...Ana S. Mladenović. "Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-19)
Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment
Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić (2012)... J., BACIU C., HUG S.J., BERG M. Geochemistry and arsenic behaviour in groundwater resources of the Pannonian Basin (Hungary and Romania). Appl. Geochem. 26, 1, 2010. 9. UJEVIĆ M., DUIĆ Ž., CASIOT C., SIPOS L., SANTO V., DADIĆ Ž., HALAMIĆ J. Occurrence and geochemistry of arsenic in the groundwater of ...
... Research Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia’s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment Petar Papić*, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Received: ...
... Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology [20], “Geozavod” from Belgrade [21], as well as the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Novi Sad [22]. Total arsenic concentrations were measured in 470 water samples from public water supply systems from 2004 to 2009. Sampling and analyses of drinking water ...Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić. "Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment" in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (2012)
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Kovin lignite deposit, Serbia
Mitrović Danica, Đoković Nataša, Životić Dragana, Bechtel Achim, Stojanović Ksenija. "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Kovin lignite deposit, Serbia" in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 122-123
GC-MS characterization of some novel benzohopanes in coals.
Vuković Nikola, Nytoft H.Peter, Životić Dragana, Stojanović Ksenija. "GC-MS characterization of some novel benzohopanes in coals." in ICCP Program & Abstract Book. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, September 5-11. 2015,, Potsdam, Germany:Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 87 (2015): 162-163
Characteristics of the lithospheric mantle beneath East Serbia inferred from ultramafic xenoliths in Palaeogene basanites
Cvetković Vladica, Downes Hilary, Prelević Dejan, Jovanović Milivoje, Lazarov Marina. "Characteristics of the lithospheric mantle beneath East Serbia inferred from ultramafic xenoliths in Palaeogene basanites" in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148, Heidelberg, Germany :Springer-Verlag (2004): 335-357. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-004-0607-x