145 items
Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment
Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić (2012)... DEVELOPMENT (PSSTD). Water Supply and Water Protection Strategy for the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, 2009 [In Serbian]. http://www.eko.vojvodina.gov.rs/files/file/dokumenti/ sajt%20strategija%20vodosnab devanja%20i%20zastite% 20voda%20apv.pdf ...
... alkalinity; the presence of iron, manganese, and the ammonium ion; low hardness; and high concentra- tions of organic substances and arsenic are general characteristics of these groundwaters. One of the major drinking water supply issues in the South Pannonia Basin is the high concentration of arsenic ...
... high concentrations of Fe, Mn, and NH4 +, elevated alkalinity, the presence of organic substances, and low sulfate concentrations (<5 mg/L) are general hydrochemical characteristics of ground- water featuring elevated arsenic concentrations [15]. Some authors believe that the origin of arsenic in ...Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić. "Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment" in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (2012)
Arsenic in tape waters of the south Pannonian basin (Serbia) and arsenic risk assessment
Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić (2012)... DEVELOPMENT (PSSTD). Water Supply and Water Protection Strategy for the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, 2009 [In Serbian]. http://www.eko.vojvodina.gov.rs/files/file/dokumenti/ sajt%20strategija%20vodosnab devanja%20i%20zastite% 20voda%20apv.pdf ...
... alkalinity; the presence of iron, manganese, and the ammonium ion; low hardness; and high concentra- tions of organic substances and arsenic are general characteristics of these groundwaters. One of the major drinking water supply issues in the South Pannonia Basin is the high concentration of arsenic ...
... high concentrations of Fe, Mn, and NH4 +, elevated alkalinity, the presence of organic substances, and low sulfate concentrations (<5 mg/L) are general hydrochemical characteristics of ground- water featuring elevated arsenic concentrations [15]. Some authors believe that the origin of arsenic in ...Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić. "Arsenic in tape waters of the south Pannonian basin (Serbia) and arsenic risk assessment" in Polish Journal of Enivronmental Studies 21 no. 6, Olsztyn, Poland : Polish Journal of Enivronmental Studies (2012): 1783-1790
Vebran Web Services for Corpus Query Expansion
Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić (2020)U ovom radu se govori o razvoju veb usluga Vebran i njihovoj primeni u poboljšanju pretraživanja korpusa. Veb-servisi Vebran koriste se za konsultovanje spoljnih leksičkih izvora za srpski jezik (uglavnom elektronski morfološki rečnici i srpski Vordnet) i proširivanje korisničkih upita radi dobijanja relevantnijih rezultata iz srpskih korpusa.... supports the development of terminological dictionar- ies in various fields (mathematics, agronomy, mining), as well as the process- ing and presentation of terms in Serbian and English. Termi has been recently supplemented by the general Serbian-German bilingual dictionary extracted from 14 contemporary novels ...
... ence and general purpose corpus containing over 122 million corpus words. It includes literary texts of Serbian writers in the XX and XXI centuries, as well as scientific and popular science texts from different domains (natural and so- cial sciences), administrative and general texts. The general texts ...
... of Human Language Technology (HLT) Group at the University of Belgrade and the Language Resources and Technologies Society (JeRTeh): – monolingual general corpora: Corpus of Contemporary Serbian (versions SrpKor2003 and SrpKor2013)1 and its subset SrpLemKor2; – SrpEngKor3, aligned English-Serbian corpus ...Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić. "Vebran Web Services for Corpus Query Expansion" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.5
On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2016)It is well known that the sequence of powers of a Salem number θ, modulo 1, is dense in the unit interval, but is not uniformly distributed. Generalizing a result of Dupain, we determine, explicitly, the repartition function of the sequence , where P is a polynomial with integer coefficients and θ is quartic. Also, we consider some examples to illustrate the method of determination.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number" in Comptes rendus Mathematique (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2016.03.012
Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age
Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević (2012)... is is true in general for the majority of Slavic languages, and this co- operation asks for further stimulative measures. ere are especially great possibilities for cooperation among projects related to standard languages of Štokavian ori- gin, as well as Slavic languages in general, given the com- ...
... http://ec.europa.eu/languages/pdf/comm2008_en.pdf. [5] Directorate-General of the UNESCO. Intersectoral Mid-term Strategy on Languages and Multilingualism, 2007. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001503/150335e.pdf. [6] Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission. Size of the Language ...
... and English-Serbian corpora of literary texts, as well as different soware tools were developed in the scope of joint projects of the Faculty of Mathematics and the Department of Serbian at the Faculty of Philol- ogy in Belgrade. Language Technology helps unify Europe. Drawing on the insights gained ...Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević. "Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age" in META-NET White Paper Series, G. Rehm, H. Uszkoreit (eds.), Springer (2012)
Fuzzy Model for Risk Assessment of Machinery Failures
The main goal of this research was the development of an algorithm for the implementation of negative risk parameters in a synthesis model for a risk level assessment for a specific machine used in the mining industry. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic theory, in combination with statistical methods, were applied to analyze the time picture state of the observed machine. Fuzzy logic is presented through fuzzy proposition and a fuzzy composition module. Using these tools, the symmetric position of the ...... interval mathematics. Ambiguity, as a term, can be considered through the following three categories, depending on the phenomenon being modeled: • Probability theory, when the given conditions that characterize the term do not determine a unique expected result; • Interval mathematics, when it is ...
... lead to negative consequences that can have an impact on machines, employees, or the working environment. Such incidents are called risky events. In general, it can be said that an event that can influence the outcome of a defined objective (preventing, disabling, or slowing down the realization of a ...
... lead to negative consequences that can have an impact on machines, employees, or the working environment. Such incidents are called risky events. In general, it can be said that an event that can influence the outcome of a defined objective (preventing, disabling, or slowing down the realization of a goal) ...Dejan V. Petrović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stojadinović, Jelena Ivaz, Pavle Stojković. "Fuzzy Model for Risk Assessment of Machinery Failures" in Symmetry, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040525
Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multi-word units, noun phrases, query expansion... Faculty of Philology, Studentski trg 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Email: cvetana@matf.bg.ac.rs Duško Vitas University of Belgrade — Faculty of Mathematics, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Email: vitas@matf.bg.ac.rs Abstract—In this paper we outline the use of the multipurpose software tool ...
... g. can a MWUs have plural forms, can a separator be omitted or replaced by another separator, etc. The basic structure, however, determines the general form of a lemma and information that has to be supplied. Thus, automatic production of the lemma for petokraka zvezda could proceed like this: a ...
... is to automatically generate the complete MWU lemma. However, the strategy and the procedure are indepen- dent, and changes in the strategy, in general, do not affect the procedure itself. This approach enabled us to experiment with various rule strategies, and thus the final strategy used is a ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool" in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, Jachranka, Poland : PTI - Polish Information Processing Society (2011)
Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit
... Slimak Š., Lutovac S,. (2005): Technique of Blasting and Eartquakes, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, pp. 199. [3] Simeunović D,.(1985): Mathematics, Faculty of Mining and Geology – Mining Department, Belgrade pp. 102- 103. [4] Ivanović B., (1973): Theoretical Statistics, Naučna knjiga, ...
... |εmax| < 3S, the functional cor- relation is accepted as a good one. 4 REVIEW OF MASSIVE BLASTING AT THE “KOVILOVAČA“ OPEN PIT - DESPOTOVAC 4.1 General characteristics of the “Kovilovača" open pit The “Kovilovača“ limestone deposits have an exceptionally simple geological structure. Limestones ...Suzana Lutovac, Nebojša Vidanović, Čedomir Beljić, Zoran Gligorić. "Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1503053L
Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)
Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković (2020)U ovom radu predstavljamo kako se e-rečnici i kaskade transduktora konačnih stanja implementirani u alatu Unitex mogu koristiti za rešavanje tri problema transformacije teksta: ispravljanje tekstova nakon OCR-a, vraćanje dijakritičkih znakova i prebacivanje između različitih jezičkih varijanti.ispravka teksta, OCR greške, restauracija dijakritika , jezičke varijante, elektronski rečnik, transduktori konačnih stanja... finite-state transducers. PAPER SUBMITTED: 13 October 2019 PAPER ACCEPTED: 08 December 2019 Cvetana Krstev University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics cvetana@matf.bg.ac.rs Ranka Stanković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology ranka.stankovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Belgrade, Serbia ...
... Scientific paper 2. All words not detected by dictionaries are marked as potential results of OCR errors; 3. In these words one or two letters (in general, characters) that were identified as prone to false recognition are replaced with other letter(s) thus generating candidate words. This process is ...
... three letters ‘и’ occur, first and second are incorrect and should both be replaced by ‘н’ yielding a valid word снежни – snežni ‘snowy’. Just a few general FSTs (bottom of Figure 2) were developed for a few types of corrections – one or two character replacement, in one or both directions. Specific FSTs ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.3
Еоценска фауна југозападног дела Сирт басена (Либија)
Љупко Рундић, Мери Ганић (2020)Љупко Рундић, Мери Ганић. "Еоценска фауна југозападног дела Сирт басена (Либија)" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Српско геолошко друштво (2020)
Using Lexical Resources for Irony and Sarcasm Classification
The paper presents a language dependent model for classification of statements into ironic and non-ironic. The model uses various language resources: morphological dictionaries, sentiment lexicon, lexicon of markers and a WordNet based ontology. This approach uses various features: antonymous pairs obtained using the reasoning rules over the Serbian WordNet ontology (R), antonymous pairs in which one member has positive sentiment polarity (PPR), polarity of positive sentiment words (PSP), ordered sequence of sentiment tags (OSA), Part-of-Speech tags of words (POS) ...... of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology Belgrade, Serbia cvetana@matf.bg.ac.rs Jelena Mitrović University of Passau, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Passau, Germany jelena.mitrovic@uni-passau.de Ranka Stanković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Belgrade, Serbia ranka@rgf ...
... best results of this classifier (acc = 86.1%), for values tp = 144, f p = 66, f n = 175, tn = 1, 347. Downsides of this type of classification, in a general case, lie in the limited nature of the resources (sentiment lexicon, set of rules used in generating antonymous pairs, WordNet ontology) that are being ...Miljana Mladenović, Cvetana Krstev, Jelena Mitrović, Ranka Stanković. "Using Lexical Resources for Irony and Sarcasm Classification" in Proceedings of the 8th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI '17), New York, NY, USA, : ACM (2017). https://doi.org/
Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin
Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović. "Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2014)
Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2008)... dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs INFOTHECA – Journal of Informatics and Librarianship № 1-2, vol IX, May 2008 operates under the auspices of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade and gathers researchers in this field from several Fac- ulties. The most important and the most devel- oped among ...
... (Dictionnaire électronique des mots simples – electronic dictionary of simple words), are in the following form: lema.Knnn [+SinSem]* where lema in general stands for the word form of a simple word used in traditional dictionar- ies. Knnn is the so-called inflectional code which determines the inflectional ...
... Different semantic relations exist between concepts. One of the basic semantic relations is the hypernym/ hyponym relation which relates a more general concept to a concept representing “one of its specific categories” (e.g. animal/dog). Another frequent relation is the holonym/meronym rela- tion ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Belgrade, Serbia : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2008)
SASA Dictionary as the Gold Standard for Good Dictionary Examples for Serbian
Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih, Rada Stijović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Aleksandra Marković (2019)У овом раду представљамо модел за избор добрих примера за речник српског језика и развој иницијалних компоненти модела. Метода која се користи заснива се на детаљној анализи различитих лексичких и синтактичких карактеристика у корпусу састављених од примера из пет дигитализованих свезака речника САНУ. Почетни скуп функција био је инспирисан сличним приступом и за друге језике. Дистрибуција карактеристика примера из овог корпуса упоређује се са карактеристиком дистрибуције узорака реченица ексцерпираних из корпуса који садрже различите текстове. Анализа је показала да ...Српски, добри примери из речника, аутоматизација израде речника, издвајање својстава, Машинско учење... ’[omitted: In the seventh, sixth and fifth grade the number of bad students increased since ] many of the students [omitted: , who had good grades in Mathematics during the school year, ] got poor grades on the exam’. The same example shows an inserted part in square brackets, namely “su”, the simple present ...
... can be considered satisfactory; however, there is a serious issue – the existence of a linguistic label abbrev cannot be expected for corpora in general. Therefore, we wanted to build another classifier that uses other features. The first step is feature analysis and feature selection. We first determined ...Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih, Rada Stijović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Aleksandra Marković. "SASA Dictionary as the Gold Standard for Good Dictionary Examples for Serbian" in Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference , Lexical Computing CZ, s.r.o. (2019)
Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović (2024)Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović . "Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization" in Sustainability, MDPI (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16083156
Ефикасност дистрибуције и коришћења природног гаса у домаћинствима
Dejan Brkić (2010-03-30)Природни гас ће се у будућности све више користити као енергент за подмиривање грејних потреба становништва у српским градовима. Стога је потребно изнаћи најповољнији начин употребе природног гаса. Природни гас се може користити за подмирење грејних потреба становништва на два дијаметрално супростављена начина, и то директно, тако што би се гас директно уводио у зграде путем дистрибутивног система за снабдевање гасом и затим сагоревао у гасном котлу којим је сваки стан опремљен (гасни дистрибутивни систем), или индиректно, тако што ...prirоdni gаs, distribuciја gаsа,grејаnjе, cеvоvоdi, cеvоvоdnе mrеžе,fаktоr trеnjа pri prоtоku fluidа,urbаnizаm... Lambert W‐function. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 53(1‐2), 95‐103. (на енглеском) 20. Barry, D.A., Parlange, J.‐Y., Li, L., Prommer, H., Cunningham, C.J., Stagnitti, F. 2002. Erratum: Analytical approximations for real values of the Lambert W‐function (Mathematics and Computers in Sim ...
... ulation (2000) 53 (95‐103): S0378475400001725). Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 59(6), 543. (на енглеском) 21. Barry, D.A., Parlange, J.‐Y., Sander, G.C., Sivaplan, M. 1993. A class of exact solutions for Richards’ equation. Journal of Hydrology 142(1‐4), 29‐46. (на енглеском) 22. Barry ...
... 2827–2835. (на енглеском) 32. Boyd, J.P. 1998. Global approximations to the principal real‐valued branch of the Lambert W‐function. Applied Mathematics Letters 11(6), 27‐31. (на енглеском) 33. Braniš, M., Domasova, M., Rezačova, P. 2007. Particulate air pollution in a small settlement: the ef ...Dejan Brkić. "Ефикасност дистрибуције и коришћења природног гаса у домаћинствима" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2010-03-30)
Ефикасност дистрибуције и коришћења природног гаса у домаћинствима
Dejan Brkić (2010-03-30)Природни гас ће се у будућности све више користити као енергент за подмиривање грејних потреба становништва у српским градовима. Стога је потребно изнаћи најповољнији начин употребе природног гаса. Природни гас се може користити за подмирење грејних потреба становништва на два дијаметрално супростављена начина, и то директно, тако што би се гас директно уводио у зграде путем дистрибутивног система за снабдевање гасом и затим сагоревао у гасном котлу којим је сваки стан опремљен (гасни дистрибутивни систем), или индиректно, тако што ...prirоdni gаs, distribuciја gаsа,grејаnjе, cеvоvоdi, cеvоvоdnе mrеžе,fаktоr trеnjа pri prоtоku fluidа,urbаnizаm... Lambert W‐function. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 53(1‐2), 95‐103. (на енглеском) 20. Barry, D.A., Parlange, J.‐Y., Li, L., Prommer, H., Cunningham, C.J., Stagnitti, F. 2002. Erratum: Analytical approximations for real values of the Lambert W‐function (Mathematics and Computers in Sim ...
... ulation (2000) 53 (95‐103): S0378475400001725). Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 59(6), 543. (на енглеском) 21. Barry, D.A., Parlange, J.‐Y., Sander, G.C., Sivaplan, M. 1993. A class of exact solutions for Richards’ equation. Journal of Hydrology 142(1‐4), 29‐46. (на енглеском) 22. Barry ...
... 2827–2835. (на енглеском) 32. Boyd, J.P. 1998. Global approximations to the principal real‐valued branch of the Lambert W‐function. Applied Mathematics Letters 11(6), 27‐31. (на енглеском) 33. Braniš, M., Domasova, M., Rezačova, P. 2007. Particulate air pollution in a small settlement: the ef ...Dejan Brkić. "Ефикасност дистрибуције и коришћења природног гаса у домаћинствима" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2010-03-30)
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... 12620:1999 (now ISO 12620:2009) [6]. There are four general types of TBX data-categories: 1. A core-structure module data-category is any data-category that is defined in the core-structure module DTD as a XML element. 2. A meta data-category is a general data-category used to group similar data- categories ...
... the state-of-the art paradigm in MT. The exponential growth of aligned multilingual corpora greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of SMT in general, and many tools based on this ap- proach, such as Google Translate, are thus being more and more widely used. This has led to a debate whether the ...
... of three terminological resources developed at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (FMG). The third section is dedicated to a general discussion on TBX, whereas the fourth describes its use in securing the integration and portability of our termbases. The paper ends with a section ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources
Large collections of textual documents represent an example of big data that requires the solution of three basic problems: the representation of documents, the representation of information needs and the matching of the two representations. This paper outlines the introduction of document indexing as a possible solution to document representation. Documents within a large textual database developed for geological projects in the Republic of Serbia for many years were indexed using methods developed within digital humanities: bag-of-words and named ...... search retrieves only 169 of them, some of which refer to a municipality council, others to salt. Faceted search in general improves ranking within the initial system. Namely, if a “general search” is performed instead of a faceted search for the query “Tamnava or Ub and coal or lignite” the document “Coal ...
... G., Krstev, C., Vitas, D., Obradović, I. (eds.) Natural Lan- guage Processing for Serbian – Resources and Applications, pp. 101–112. Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. http://jerteh.rs/wp-content/uploads/2015/ 05/Zecevic.pdf A u t h o r P r o o f Author Queries Chapter 8 Query ...
... retrieval results of indexed documents for a specific query and the results were compared with the initial retrieval system that was already in place. In general, a significant improvement has been achieved according to the standard information retrieval performance measures, where the InQuery method performed ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources" in Trans. Computational Collective Intelligence - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59268-8_8
Model za optimizaciju graničnog saržaja metala u rudi u funkciji dugoročnog planiranja površinskih kopova
Daniel P. Kržanović (2016-06-14)Optimizacija graničnog sadržaja metala u rudi jedan je od osnovnih koraka u planiranju i dizajniranju površinskih kopova i ima za cilj postizanje maksimalne neto sadašnje vrednosti (NPV). Iz tog razloga, optimizacija graničnog sadržaja i danas je predmet mnogih istraživanja u rudarskoj nauci, sa ciljem rešavanja praktičnih problema u eksploataciji ležišta.Dugoročno planiranje eksploatacije na površinskim kopovima podrazumeva sagledavanje svih relevantih parametara i faktora (geologije rudnog ležišta, tehnologije proizvodnog procesa, kapaciteta otkopavanja i prerade, troškova, cena metala, iskorišćenja i dr) kako ...površinski kop, dugoročno planiranje, optimizacija graničnog sadržaja, maksimizacija neto sadašnje vrednosti (NPV).... and Metallurgy, Carlton Victoria, Australia. Caccetta, L., Giannini, L.M., 1988, An Application of Discrete Mathematics in the Design of an Open Pit Mine, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, pp. 1–19. Caccetta, L., Hill, S.P., 2003, An Application of Branch and Cut to Open Pit Mine Scheduling ...
... Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries (APCOM), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 261–265. YI, R., Sturgul, J.R., 1988, Analysis of cutoff grades using optimum control theory. APCOM 87, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral ...
... Industry, pp. 729–738. Amankwah H., 2011, Mathematical Optimization Models and Methods for Open- Pit Mining, Doctoral dissertation, Department of Mathematics Linköping University, SE–581 83 Linköping, Sweden. Armstrong, D., 1990, Planning and design of surface mines. In SME, & B. A. Kennedy (Ed.) ...Daniel P. Kržanović. "Model za optimizaciju graničnog saržaja metala u rudi u funkciji dugoročnog planiranja površinskih kopova" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-06-14)