609 items
Математика 2
Драган Станков (2020)Драган Станков. Математика 2, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2020
Preliminary Risk Assessment of Dam Failure at the Location of the Cukaru Peki Deposit, Bor (Serbia)
Dragana Nišić (2021)preliminarna procena rizika, rušenje brane, nesreća, matrica rizika, posledice udesa, industrijski otpadDragana Nišić. "Preliminary Risk Assessment of Dam Failure at the Location of the Cukaru Peki Deposit, Bor (Serbia)" in Minerals, MDPI (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11101126
Основи геофизике А - практикум
Драгана Ђурић (2018)Драгана Ђурић. Основи геофизике А - практикум, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2018
Геологија угљева
Драгана Животић (2018)Драгана Животић. Геологија угљева, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2018
А brief review on the geophysical model of Еast Vardar ophiolites: Serbia, North Macedonia and Greece
Dragana Đurić (2022)Dragana Đurić. "А brief review on the geophysical model of Еast Vardar ophiolites: Serbia, North Macedonia and Greece" in 16th Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins & 7th Geoscience Symposium, Bucharest, Romania, 06-07.10.202222, The Cetatea de Scaun publishing house (2022)
Primena SAR intereferometrije za određivanje koseizmičkih deformacija: trendovi i dostignuća
Dragana Đurić (2022)Dragana Đurić. "Primena SAR intereferometrije za određivanje koseizmičkih deformacija: trendovi i dostignuća" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
The number of nonunimodular roots of a reciprocal polynomial
Dragan Stankov (2023)We introduce a sequence Pd of monic reciprocal polynomials with integer coefficients having the central coefficients fixed as well as the peripheral coefficients. We prove that the ratio of the number of nonunimodular roots of Pd to its degree d has a limit L when d tends to infinity. We show that if the coefficients of a polynomial can be arbitrarily large in modulus then L can be arbitrarily close to 0. It seems reasonable to believe that if ...Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "The number of nonunimodular roots of a reciprocal polynomial" in Comptes rendus mathematique, Elsevier France Editions Scientifiques et Medicales (2023). https://doi.org/10.5802/crmath.422
Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine
Dragan Živković (2024)Ovaj rad se bavi analizom površinskih deformacija izazvanih zemljotresima u Turskoj iz 2020. i 2023. godine korišćenjem diferencijalne satelitske radarske interferometrije (DInSAR tehnike). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se kvantifikuju i uporede deformacije terena izazvane ovim seizmičkim događajima i da se razumeju mehanizmi koji stoje iza oslobađanja seizmičke energije u regionu. Analizom DInSAR snimaka, identifikovane su različite deformacije duž rasednih zona za svaki zemljotres. Dok je zemljotres iz 2020. godine (M 6,7) izazvao lokalizovane deformacije duž Istočno anatolijskog raseda, zemljotres ...Dragan Živković. Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine, 2024
The alternative to Mahler measure of polynomials in several variables
Dragan Stankov (2024)We introduce the ratio of the number of roots of a polynomial Pd, greater than one in modulus, to its degree d as an alternative to Mahler measure. We investigate some properties of the alternative. We generalise this definition for a polynomial in several variables using Cauchy’s argument principle. If a polynomial in two variables do not vanish on the torus we prove the theorem for the alternative which is analogous to the Boyd-Lawton limit formula for Mahler measure. ...Dragan Stankov. "The alternative to Mahler measure of polynomials in several variables" in The book of abstracts XIV symposium "mathematics and applications” Belgrade, Serbia, December, 6–7, 2024 , Univerzitet u Beogradu, Matematički fakultet (2024)
Approximation of the number of roots that do not lie on the unit circle of a self-reciprocal polynomial
Dragan Stankov (2024)We introduce the ratio of the number of roots not equal to 1 in modulus of a reciprocal polynomial Rd(x) to its degree d. For some sequences of reciprocal polynomials we show that the ratio has a limit L when d tends to infinity. Each of these sequences is defined using a two variable polynomial P(x,y) so that Rd(x) = P(x,xn). For P(x,y) we present the theorem for the limit ratio which is analogous to the Boyd-Lawton limit formula ...Dragan Stankov. "Approximation of the number of roots that do not lie on the unit circle of a self-reciprocal polynomial" in The book of abstracts XIV symposium "mathematics and applications” Belgrade, Serbia, December, 6–7, 2024 , Univerzitet u Beogradu, Matematički fakultet (2024)
An alternative to Mahler Measure of polynomials
Dragan Stankov (2024)We introduce the ratio of the number of roots of a polynomial Pd, greater than one in modulus, to its degree d as an alternative to Mahler measure. We investigate some properties of the limit ratio. We generalise this definition for a two variable polynomial P(x,y) using the Cauchy’s argument principle. We present an algorithm for calculating the limit ratio and a numerical method for its approximation. We estimated the limit ratio for some families of polynomials. Some examples ...Dragan Stankov. "An alternative to Mahler Measure of polynomials" in The book of abstracts XV serbian mathematical congress, Belgrade, Serbia, june, 19–22, 2024, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Matematički fakultet (2024)
Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor
Ranđelović Dragana, Pacić Ivona, Ranđelović Dragan, Marijanović Toplica. "Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor" in Proceedings / XX International Scientific and Professional Meeting Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '12, 30 May - 02 June 2012, Zajecar, Serbia, Zaječar:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2012): 255-263
Ocena preostalih radnih mogućnosti rotornog bagera metodom primenjene ekspertske ocene sa empirijskim faktorom korekcije - Remaining operational capabilities evaluation of bucket wheel excavator by application of expert assessment method with empirical co
Polovina Dragan, Ivković Slobodan, Ignjatović Dragan, Tanasijević Miloš. "Ocena preostalih radnih mogućnosti rotornog bagera metodom primenjene ekspertske ocene sa empirijskim faktorom korekcije - Remaining operational capabilities evaluation of bucket wheel excavator by application of expert assessment method with empirical co" in Integritet i vek konstrukcija - Structural Integrity and Life 10 no. 1, Beograd:Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija i Institut IMS - Society for Structural Integrity and Life & IMS Institute (2010): 31-41. https://doi.org/620.169.1:621.879.48
Dependability as the Criteria for Bucket Wheel Excavator Revitalization
Tanasijević Miloš, Ivezić Dejan, Ignjatović Dragan, Polovina Dragan. "Dependability as the Criteria for Bucket Wheel Excavator Revitalization" in Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 70 no. 1, Rajasthan, India:Scientific Publishers (2011): 13-19
Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines
Dragan Zlatanović, Marija Ilić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović. "Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2014): 65-84. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1404065Z
Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)
Đurić Dragana, Bogićević Katarina, Petrović Dragana, Nenadić Draženko. "Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva no. 78, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2017): 23-35
Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)
Đurić Dragana, Bogićević Katarina, Petrović Dragana, Nenadić Draženko. Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia) no. 78, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2017: 23-35
Карактеризација и управљање индустријским отпадом
Динко Кнежевић, Драгана Нишић, Рудолф Томанец, Драгана Ранђеловић. Карактеризација и управљање индустријским отпадом, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2018
Modeliranje parametara kompenzacionih uređaja u sistemu transporta uglja u podzemnoj eksploataciji
Dragan M. Medenica (2005)Dragan M. Medenica. Modeliranje parametara kompenzacionih uređaja u sistemu transporta uglja u podzemnoj eksploataciji, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2005
Prostorni položaj ofiolita istočne Vardarske zone : geofizičko-geološki model i njegove geodinamičke implikacije
Dragana D. Petrović (2016)Dragana D. Petrović. Prostorni položaj ofiolita istočne Vardarske zone : geofizičko-geološki model i njegove geodinamičke implikacije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2016