245 items
Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian
Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová (2019)Basic analyses of several properties of syllables (the rank-frequency distribution, the distribution of length, and the relation between length and frequency) in Serbian is presented. The syllabification algorithm used combines the maximum onset principle and the sonority hierarchy. Results indicate that syllables behave similarly to words as far as mathematical models are concerned, but values of parameters in models for syllables are quite different from those for words.Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová. "Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian" in Glottometrics (2019) М24
Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)
Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić (2024)The paper describes linking the Digital Repository of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, with the eScience system in terms of transferring metadata about the results of researchers' scientific work. The steps taken to ensure a smooth harvesting of metadata are outlined. Additionally, a presentation of additional improvements to the OAI system is provided, aiming to contribute to the automatic linking of authors with their results in the eScience system.Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić. "Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.4 М53
The new Serbian Energy Sector Development Strategy until 2025 and projections until 2030
Ramić Biljana, Ivezić Dejan (2016)Ramić Biljana, Ivezić Dejan. "The new Serbian Energy Sector Development Strategy until 2025 and projections until 2030" in Energy Scenarios for SE Europe: A close look into the Western Balkans, Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union (2016): 24-26. https://doi.org/10.2790/337882 M32
Superstructure of Mullite-type KAl9O14
Lazić P. Biljana, Krueger H., Kaindl R., Perfler L., Kremenović Aleksandar, Cvetković Vladica, Withers R.L. (2013)Lazić P. Biljana, Krueger H., Kaindl R., Perfler L., Kremenović Aleksandar, Cvetković Vladica, Withers R.L.. "Superstructure of Mullite-type KAl9O14" in Chemistry of Materials 25 no. 3, Washington, United States:American Chemical Society (2013): 496-502. https://doi.org/10.1021/cm3038476 M21
Sustainable Waste Management Model - Case Study: Novi Pazar
Stefanović Gordana, Sriljej Hivzo, Ristović Ivica, Milutinović Biljana, Milošević Olivera, Popović Sonja (2014)Stefanović Gordana, Sriljej Hivzo, Ristović Ivica, Milutinović Biljana, Milošević Olivera, Popović Sonja. "Sustainable Waste Management Model - Case Study: Novi Pazar" in Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 15 no. 3, Thessaloniki, Greece :B.EN.A. Balkan Environment Association (2014): 1005-1012 M23
Sanacija i stabilizacija kosina na površinskom kopu Momin Kamen u cilju izrade deonice autoputa E75, Koridor 10
Kričak Lazar, Abolmasov Biljana, Čebašek Vladimir, Negovanović Milanka, Marjanović Miloš, Pejić Marko, Marković Jovan, Milanović Stefan, Simić Nikola (2017)Kričak Lazar, Abolmasov Biljana, Čebašek Vladimir, Negovanović Milanka, Marjanović Miloš, Pejić Marko, Marković Jovan, Milanović Stefan, Simić Nikola. "Sanacija i stabilizacija kosina na površinskom kopu Momin Kamen u cilju izrade deonice autoputa E75, Koridor 10" in TR33003 (2017) M82
Tеслапедиа као централна база библиографских података о Николи Тесли
Циљ овог рада је да прикаже идеју и процес израде најкомплетније електронске библиографске базе о Николи Тесли, симболично назване Теслапедиа. Oвaквa бaзa би укључивaлa Teслину библиoгрaфиjу, кao и библиoгрaфиjу других o њeму. Сaм кoнцeпт рaзвoja Teслaпeдиe je видљив крoз двe глaвнe идeje. Првa идeja je зaснoвaнa нa пoстaвљaњу свих пoстojeћих библиoгрaфских јединица кoje Mузej пoсeдуje нa oдрeђeну вeб-лoкaциjу a другa, пoдjeднaкo вaжнa, oглeдa сe у мoгућнoстимa дaљeг рaзвoja и нaдгрaдњe сaмe структурe базе придруживaњeм нoвих библиoгрaфских пoдaтaкa. Oвa бaзa ...Ивана Ћирић, Сузана Топаловић, Биљана Лазић. "Tеслапедиа као централна база библиографских података о Николи Тесли" in Читалиште (2013) М52
Crystal structure of the body-centered tetragonal tectosilicate K1.13Al1.13Si0.87O4
Vulić Predrag, Lazić Biljana, Kremenović Aleksandar. "Crystal structure of the body-centered tetragonal tectosilicate K1.13Al1.13Si0.87O4" in XX Conference of the Serbian Crystallographic Society-Abstracts, Avala, Beograd, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2013): 54-55 M64
Kinetics and the mechanism of the supstitution reactions of some Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes
Bogojeski Jovana, Mijatović Aleksandar, Đurović Mirjana, Petrović Biljana, Bugarčić D. Živadin (2011)Bogojeski Jovana, Mijatović Aleksandar, Đurović Mirjana, Petrović Biljana, Bugarčić D. Živadin. "Kinetics and the mechanism of the supstitution reactions of some Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes" in First EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference, University of Manchester, UK (2011): 11-14 M34
Diffuse reflectance spectra of methylene blue adsorbed on different types of clay samples
Milošević Maja, Logar Mihovil, Dojčinović Biljana, Rosić Aleksandra, Erić Suzana. "Diffuse reflectance spectra of methylene blue adsorbed on different types of clay samples" in Clay Minerals 51 no. 1, London, United Kingdom:Mineralogical Society (2016): 81-96. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1180/claymi M23
Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства
У овом раду биће представљена Омека, веб платформа за приказивање дигиталних колекциjа и систем за управљање њиховим садржаjем. Њену примену у области техничких наука, а конкретно у области рударства, приказаћемо на примеру дигиталне библиотеке ROmeka@RGF. За Омеку смо се определили првенствено због чињенице да jе jедноставна за коришћење, има обимну пратећу документациjу и не захтева уско специфичне информатичке вештине што jе чини приступачном за већину корисника, а нарочито за рударске инжењере, коjима jе ова дигитална библиотека првенствено намењена. Документа ...Александра Томашевић, Биљана Лазић, Далибор Воркапић, Михаило Шкорић, Љиљана Колоња. "Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства" in Инфотека, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду; Универзитетска библиотека „Светозар Марковић“; Заједница библиотека универзитета у Србији (2017) М53
The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository
Under the regulations of the Ministry of Education, Science and technological Development, a digital repository based on the Omeka S data storage platform has been developed for the Faculty of Mining and Geology. The platform has been upgraded with the required modular extensions, Solr index and automatic OCR. Furthermore, document indexing and search have been fine-tuned with the aid of e-dictionaries of the Serbian language, which has brought about outstanding results in terms of usage facilitation and overall ...Petar Popović, Mihailo Škorić, Biljana Rujević. "The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2020.20.1_2.9 М53
Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report
Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić (2021)Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić. "Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Springer International Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-3-030-60196-6_19 М14
Анализа слагања административног објекта изграђеног на комуналној депонији у Новом Саду
Ракић Драгослав, Чаки Ласло, Томашевић Биљана, Новаковић Дејан. "Анализа слагања административног објекта изграђеног на комуналној депонији у Новом Саду" in Зборник радова / Седмо научно-стручно саветовање Оцена стања, одржавање и санација грађевинских објеката и насеља, Златибор, 9.- 11. мај 2011. године, Београд:Савез грађевинских инжењера Србије (2011): 479-484 M63
Mogućnosti maksimalnog iskorišćenja mineralno-sirovinskog potencijala ležišta uglja Veliki crljeni, kolubarski ugljonosni basen
Draško Zoran, Vučković Bogoljub, Radovanović Biljana, Trobozić Dragan. "Mogućnosti maksimalnog iskorišćenja mineralno-sirovinskog potencijala ležišta uglja Veliki crljeni, kolubarski ugljonosni basen" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010 1, Beograd:Srpsko Geološko društvo (2010): 195-198 M63
BST Ceramics Obtained by Hydrothermally Assisted Complex Polymerization Method
Ćirković Jovana, Vojisavljević Katarina, Vulić Predrag, Dojčinović Biljana, Branković Zorica, Srećković Tatjana, Branković Goran (2015)Ćirković Jovana, Vojisavljević Katarina, Vulić Predrag, Dojčinović Biljana, Branković Zorica, Srećković Tatjana, Branković Goran. "BST Ceramics Obtained by Hydrothermally Assisted Complex Polymerization Method" in Book of abstracts of the 3rd Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, June 15-17. 2015. Belgrade, Serbia, Beograd:The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials (2015): 84-84 M34
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of lanthanum and vanadium co-doped mesoporous TiO2 for azo-dye degradation
Nešić Jelena, Manojlović Dragan D., Anđelković Ivan, Dojčinović Biljana, Vulić Predrag, Krstić Jugoslav, Roglić Goran (2013)Nešić Jelena, Manojlović Dragan D., Anđelković Ivan, Dojčinović Biljana, Vulić Predrag, Krstić Jugoslav, Roglić Goran. "Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of lanthanum and vanadium co-doped mesoporous TiO2 for azo-dye degradation" in Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 378, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2013): 67-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcata.2013.05.018 M22
Monoclinic structure and nonstoichiometry of ‘KAlSiO4-O1’
Kremenović Aleksandar, Lazić Biljana, Krüger Hannes, Tribus Martina, Vulić Predrag. "Monoclinic structure and nonstoichiometry of ‘KAlSiO4-O1’" in Acta Crystallographica Section C 69 no. 4, Copenhagen:International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard (2013): 334-336. https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270113006069 M23
Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia
Maja Milošević, Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević. "Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia" in Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021, The Latvian Clay Science Society (2021) М34
Assesment of geological and geotechnical conditions for rebuilding Avala`s television tower
Ćorić Slobodan, Rakić Dragoslav, Hadži-Niković Gordana, Janković Tomislav, Filipović Vladimir, Marjanović Biljana (2013)Ćorić Slobodan, Rakić Dragoslav, Hadži-Niković Gordana, Janković Tomislav, Filipović Vladimir, Marjanović Biljana. "Assesment of geological and geotechnical conditions for rebuilding Avala`s television tower" in Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites, Napoli, Italy:CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2013): 273-278. https://doi.org/10.1201/b14895-32 M14