486 items
EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School
Prva škola za obuku polaznika koju je organizovala COST akcija NexusLinguarum održana je od 8. do 12. februara 2021. godine sa ciljem da studenti, istraživači i stručnjaci nauče osnove lingvističke nauke o podacima. Tokom obuke polaznici su se upoznali sa širokim spektrom tema: od semantičkog veba, RDF -a i ontologija, do modeliranja i pretraživanja jezičkih podataka pomoću najsavremenijih ontoloških modela i alata. Škola je održana u okviru serije letnjih škola EUROLAN-a i organizovalo ju je virtuelno (onlajn) nekoliko instituta; ...nauka o lingvističkim podacima, povezani podaci u lingvistici, jezički podaci, EUROLAN, NexusLinguarum, COST akcija, škola za obukuMilan Dojchinovski, Julia Bosque Gil, Jorge Gracia, Ranka Stanković. "EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.7
Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model
To explore pathways of the energy transition of household heating, an agent-based simulation model was developed for the case of the Serbian household sector. The model is focused on individual entities (households) with the objective to explore the effects of policy instruments on energy transition in households with individual heating systems. Empirically collected survey data were used as input for households’ attitudes towards sustainable heating. Simulations showed that the proposed instruments would lead to higher heating efficiency and less ...energetska tranzicija, modeliranje bazirano na agentima, sistemi grejanja, sektor domaćinstva, obnovljivi izvori energije, emisija CO2Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112506
Integrated energy planning approach for accelerating energy transition of households
The success of energy transition planning depends on several influential and variable factors that need to be considered and tracked in modeling to support policymakers. Expert-based energy models are mainly developed following the assumptions of experts and, in most cases, a limited number of stakeholders. This top-down modeling approach will provide satisfactory results in centrally managed energy sectors (electricity generation and distribution, district heating, etc.), where further decisions could be projected relatively precisely. However, the same approach will not ...Energetsko planiranje, Integrisano energetsko modeliranje, Energetska tranzicija, Domaćinstva, Individualno grejanje, LEAPBoban Pavlović, Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić. "Integrated energy planning approach for accelerating energy transition of households" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.11.016
The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system
Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic (2016)The influence of additives (alkyl polyglucoside, Glucopon 600 CS UP and alcohol ethoxylate C18E100) on the behavior of the water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 (technical oxoalcohol, i-C10E5) microemulsion system as a function of temperature and composition has been investigated. The phase behavior of the microemulsions was determined by vertical sections through the Gibbs phase prism (fish-like phase diagrams). Alkyl polyglucoside shifts the one phase region to lower temperatures compared with water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 mixtures. This is contrary to the expectation, considering ...микроемулзија, толуен, алкил полиглукозид, оксоалкохол етоксилат, појачивач ефикасности, „fish“ дијаграми... ALEKSANDAR LOLIĆ ZORAN NEDIĆE !Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia ŽForschungszentrum Jullich, Institut fur Bio- und Geowissenschaften, IBG-3 Agrosphare, Julich, Germany Šinstitut of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade ...
... Langmuir 7 (1991) 2048-2053 C. Frank, H. Frielinghaus, J. Allgaier, H. Prast, Langmuir 23 (2007) 6526-6535 K. Hill, in Alky! Polyglucosides: Technology, Properties and Applications, K. Hill, W. von Rybinski, G. Stoll (Eds.), VCH, New York, 1997, pp. 1-7 D. Geetha, R. Tyagi, Tenside, Surfactants ...
... Schwering, D. Ghosh, R. Strey, T. Sottmann, J. Chem. Eng. Data 60 (2015) 124-136 K. Hill, W. von Rybinski, G. Stoll, Alky! Polyglucosides: Technology, Properties and Applications, VCH, New York, 1997 C. Stubenrauch, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 6 (2001) 160-170 L.D. Ryan, E.W. Kaler ...Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic. "The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system" in Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/ 10.2298/CICEQ141105015I
An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2009)Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources" in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Computational Linguistics – Applications Workshop (CLA09), Mrągowo, Poland, October 2009, Piscataway : IEEE (2009)
Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia
Landslides are common on roads, which directly affect the flow of traffic and the connection and functioning of the population in surrounding area. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate them in the shortest possible time and to determine and carry out the remediation solution. Functionality of the state roads is immensely important so it is necessary to ensure that the traffic is maintained during remediation activities. Therefore, design solutions and remediation execution technology should be adapted to these requirements. ...Biljana Abolmasov, Marinos Skempas, Svetozar Milenković, Janko Radovanović, Miloš Marjanović. "Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia" in 5th Regional symposium on landslides in Adriatic–Balkan Region, 23-26 March 2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb (2022)
Agent-based modeling as a support to an expert-based approach: Exploring individual heating systems transition
Expert-based energy scenarios are mainly developed following assumptions of experts and, in most cases, a limited number of stakeholders. Such an approach will provide satisfactory results in centrally managed energy sectors where further decisions could be envisaged relatively precisely (electricity production/distribution, district heating systems, etc.). The same approach will provide more uncertain outcomes of future energy structure in the household sector, where decisions related to consumption, selection of energy source, or application of specific technology are made by numerous ...Energetska tranzicija, Grejanje domaćinstava, Individualni sistemi grejanja, Energetsko planiranje, Integrisano energetsko planiranje, ABM, LEAP, SrbijaBoban Pavlović, Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić. "Agent-based modeling as a support to an expert-based approach: Exploring individual heating systems transition" in South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 22 – 26 May 2022, Vlorë, Albania, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb (2022)
‘Blue-’ and ‘Brown-speckled’ pottery from Qalhât, the Sultanate of Oman (13–16th centuries): Comparison with traditional Omani 19–20 century productions
Representative ‘Blue speckled’ (13–16th centuries) and ‘Brown speckled’ (13–21st century) wares recovered from the excavations in Qalhât or collected around Bahlâ city (Sultanate of Oman) were characterized by XRPD, SEM-EDS, Raman/optical microspectroscopy, and thermal expansion. Minerals present in the body (quartz, augite and albite as major phases, calcite, dolomite, rutile, anatase, phosphate, hematite and magnetite as minor phases) were identified by XRPD and/or Raman spectroscopy. SEM-EDXS microanalysis was performed on the glazes in order to compare their composition, especially ...Liliana Gianni, Hélène Renel, Aleksandar Kremenović, Philippe Colomban. "‘Blue-’ and ‘Brown-speckled’ pottery from Qalhât, the Sultanate of Oman (13–16th centuries): Comparison with traditional Omani 19–20 century productions" in Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bsecv.2020.06.005
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
... system for the analysis and estimation of safety in mining environment, devel- oped at the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the University of Belgrade. PROTECTOR was developed by combining neural networks and expert system technology. While the mining environment estimation methodology is implemented ...
... applicable to any opencast coal mine practice. PROTECTOR was developed by integrating neural networks and expert system technology, which was an approach novel to the mining industry. While the mine environment estimation methodology is implemented through an expert system, some of the related ...
... South African Mining Industry, 2003. Guide to hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA), SA Safety Adviser’s Office Chamber of Mines of South Africa, Standard. Stevens, P., 2006. Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley Object Technology. N. Lilić et ...Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management
A generic knowledge management process of organization, storage and retrieval of knowledge can suitably be fitted in a digital library. In the digital and knowledge age digital libraries can be used in knowledge management to handle intellectual assets and support knowledge creation. A multilingual digital library either stores content in more than one language or provides multilingual query access to monolingual content. In Serbia 18 of 308 scientific journals regularly published are bi-lingual, with papers simultaneously being in English ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Dalibor Vorkapić. "A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management" in Proceeding of 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics — IFKAD 2015: Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots, Bari, Italy, 10-12 June 2015, Bari : IFKAD (2015)
Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal
Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović, Velizar Nikolić. "Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal" in Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Belgrade, Serbia : The Serbian Geological Society (2011)
Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: Archaeological findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia)
Dušan Mihailović, Steven L. Kuhn, Katarina Bogićević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo, Jelena Marković, Norbert Mercier, Bojana Mihailović, Mike W. Morley, Predrag Radović, William J. Rink, Senka Plavšić, Mirjana Roksandić (2022)Major changes in the technological, economic, and social behavior of Middle Pleistocene hominins occurred at the onset of the Middle Paleolithic, 400e200 ka. However, until recently it was not possible to establish when, where, and how certain forms of Middle Paleolithic behavior appeared and spread into Southeastern Europe, mainly owing to gaps in the Paleolithic record. Here we report new results of dating, material culture, and the archaeological context of finds from the Balanica Cave Complex in Sicevo (Serbia). ...Dušan Mihailović, Steven L. Kuhn, Katarina Bogićević, Vesna Dimitrijević, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo, Jelena Marković, Norbert Mercier, Bojana Mihailović, Mike W. Morley, Predrag Radović, William J. Rink, Senka Plavšić, Mirjana Roksandić . "Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: Archaeological findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia)" in Journal of Human Evolution (2022)
Investigation of accessory elements of representative petrologic radioactivity carriers at Stara Planina, Serbia
Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Dusan Nikezic, Zorana Naunovic, Slavko Dimovic (2019)Ова студија се бави обиљем најчешћих акцесорних елемената носилаца радиоактивности на Старој планини на четири дефинисане локације. Све истраживане локације имају повећану радиоактивност, већу од 200 цпс, до 1250 цпс. У свим испитиваним узорцима детектовани су следећи елементи и одређене њихове концентрације: Зр, Рб, В, Мо, Сн, Зн, Цу, Ас, Сб, Ба, Ни, Цр, В и Ти. Анализа је показала да су у зависности од узорка утврђене повишене концентрације свих детектованих елемената осим титана. Како се сви локалитети који ...Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Dusan Nikezic, Zorana Naunovic, Slavko Dimovic. "Investigation of accessory elements of representative petrologic radioactivity carriers at Stara Planina, Serbia" in Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (2019). https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP190709039V
Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region
Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic (2021)Циљ студије је био да се процени потенцијални ризик од зрачења у близини напуштених рудника уранијума, јаловишта или лежишта уранијума на Старој планини у Србији. За процену ризика одређено је неколико параметара: активност еквивалента радијума, Raeq, екстерни индекс опасности, Hex, брзина апсорбоване дозе гама зрачења, D, годишња ефективна доза на позадинској експозицији гама гама на отвореном, AEDoutdoor и ризик од рака током живота, ELCR. Добијени резултати су показали да сви узорци, осим једног, имају Raeq вредност и до два ...Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic. "Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region" in Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP2004354D
Анализа одрона у стенским косинама: савремени приступи
Милош Марјановић (2023)У Србији и региону познате су бројне појаве одрона које су изазвале велике застоје саобраћаја, материјалне штете или чак имале фаталне исходе, па их је потребно непрестано пратити и изучавати. Mодeловањe одрона скопчано је са ниским нивоом поузданости, али савремене технологије омогућавају да сe такви изгледи донекле побољшају. Једна од технологија која чини искорак утом правцу јe LiDAR-ско скенирање, које обезбеђује детаљне топографске подлоге у виду облака тачака високе резолуције и тачности. Поступак анализе одрона може се свести на: ...Милош Марјановић. "Анализа одрона у стенским косинама: савремени приступи" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Београд : Српско геолошко друштво (2023)
Classifying large strains from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation
Taco Broerse, Nemanja Krstekanić, Cor Kasbergen, Ernst Willingshofer. "Classifying large strains from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation" in EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 19.-30.4.2021., EGU (2021)
Flotability of chalcopyrite from the Rudnik deposit
Директно селективно флотирање олова, бакра и цинка у флотацији рудника „Рудник” датира од 1984. године. Технолошка шема омогућава директно издвајање селективних концентрата у три циклуса. У првом циклусу се издваја минерал олова (галенит), док су минерал бакра (халкопирит) и минерал цинка (марматит) депримирани. У другом циклусу се оток концентрације минерала олова кондиционира и припрема за издвајање минерала бакра. Након кондиционирања, у овом циклусу се издваја минерал бакра. У трећем циклусу се оток концентрације минерала бакра кондиционира и припрема за ...... [7] K. Sutherland, I. Wark, (1955), Principles of flotation, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Inc.), Melbourne, pp. 113–149. [8] Somasundaran P. & Moudgil M., (1987), Reagents in Mineral Technology. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; NewYork and Basel, 755 [9] Ćalić, N., (1990). Teorijski ...
... flotation plant of the "rudnik" mine, Underground mining engineering, Vol. 35, pp. 23-35 [6] Lazić P., Nikšić Đ., Tomanec R., Vučinić D., i Cvetićanin L, (2020), Chalcopyrite floatability in flotation plant of the "Rudnik" mine, Journal of Mining Science, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 119–125, DOI: 10. ...
... collector (KAX) consumption and pH was investigated. Key words: direct selective flotation, chalcopyrite, KAX, NaCN Introduction The flotation technology of lead and zinc ore on the "Rudnik" flotation has changed over time. Until 1965, lead and zinc concentrates extraction were achieved by selective ...Đurica Nikšić, Predrag Lazić, Milena Kostović. "Flotability of chalcopyrite from the Rudnik deposit" in Journal of Mining Science, Springer Verlag (2021). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062739121030170
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
In this paper we present how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for tuning queries before submitting them to a web search engine. We argue that the selection of words chosen for a query, which are of paramount importance for the quality of results obtained by the query, can be substantially improved by using various lexical resources, such as morphological dictionaries and wordnets. These dictionaries enable semantic ...LR web services, MultiWord Expressions & Collocations, Information Extraction, Information RetrievalKrstev Cvetana, Stanković Ranka, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan. "The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines" in LREC 2008: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2008, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2008)
Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for Large-Scale Surface Mining Operations in Serbia
Noise emissions are a significant environmental impact caused by the mining industry in all technological phases of surface mining, mineral processing, and waste disposal. This paper presents the role of noise impact assessment and control in large-scale surface mining operations. Mine planning develops the model of mining operations, ore excavation, and waste dumping scheduling and processing rates, including spatial distribution of mining activities. Such a level of mine planning requires an environmental impact assessment study. This can be achieved ...Uros Pantelic, Petar Lilic, Aleksandar Cvjetic, Nikola Lilic. "Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for Large-Scale Surface Mining Operations in Serbia" in Sustainability, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031798
Proširivanje upita zasnovano na leksičkim resursima
U radu je opisano kako se leksički resursi za srpski jezik i softverski alati, razvijeni u okviru Grupe za jezičke tehnologije Univerziteta u Beogradu, mogu koristiti za unapređenje postavljanja upita. Rezultati pretrage mogu biti značajno unapređeni korišćenjem različitih leksičkih resursa, kakvi su morfološki rečnici i semantičke mreže. Izloženi pristup može se iskoristiti i u Sistemu naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija, jer je efikasno pretraživanje ovog dragocenog resursa, imajući u vidu njegovu heterogenost i obim, kao i preovladavajući tekstualni sadržaj, ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev. "Proširivanje upita zasnovano na leksičkim resursima" in SNTPI 09 - Naučno-stručni skup Sistem naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija, Beograd 19. i 20. jun 2009, Beograd : Fakultet informacionih tehnologija (2009)