1151 items
Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna. "Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts" in Transport & Logistics - International Journal 13 no. 27, Košice, Slovakia:Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, BERG Faculty, Košice (2013)
The Testing of Harmful gases using Passive Infrared Thermography
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Aleksandrović Snežana. "The Testing of Harmful gases using Passive Infrared Thermography" in Journal Underground Mining Engineering XXI no. 2, Beograd, Srbija:Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2013): 99-109
Rationalization of electrical energy consumption in mining plants
Aleksandrović Snežana, Jovančić Predrag, Jeftenić Ilija. "Rationalization of electrical energy consumption in mining plants" in 6th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection MEP 2017, Vrdnik, Serbia:Center for Environmental Engineering, Mining Department, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade (2017): 144-148
A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation,
Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko (2011)Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko. "A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation," in Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress II, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina:Faculty of Mining, geology and civil engineering in Tuzla and Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, University of Tuzla (2011): 799-801
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method
Peševski Igor, Jovanovski Milorad, Abolmasov Biljana. "Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method" in Abstract book - 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1 no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2015): 93-94
Deprimiranje minerala pirita cijanidnim i fero/feri solima; Depression of pyrite mineral with cyanide and ferrous/ferric salts
Kostović Milena (2011)Kostović Milena. "Deprimiranje minerala pirita cijanidnim i fero/feri solima; Depression of pyrite mineral with cyanide and ferrous/ferric salts" in Podzemni radovi; Underground Mining Engineering no. 19, Beograd, Belgrade:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet; Faculty of Mining and Geology (2011): 67; 149-73; 155
Brief hydrogeology on the Dinaric karst with emphasis on the SE of the Adriatic basin
Stevanović Zoran (2014)Stevanović Zoran. "Brief hydrogeology on the Dinaric karst with emphasis on the SE of the Adriatic basin" in Field Trip Guide : Trebinje, June 2014, Belgrade:DIKTAS Project : Faculty of Miming and Geology, Department for Hydrogeology (2014): 7-17
Overview of produced water in Oilfield
Išek Josip, Danilović Dušan, Crnogorac Miroslav, Leković Branko. "Overview of produced water in Oilfield" in Underground mining engineering Podzemni radovi no. 33, Belgrade, Serbia:University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology (2018): 79-87
Introductory editorial - Special issue: Genesis and protection of groundwater in carbonate aquifer
Saša Milanović (2019)Saša Milanović. "Introductory editorial - Special issue: Genesis and protection of groundwater in carbonate aquifer" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-019-00487-2
Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida
... Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022. 18th Serbian Geological Congress "Geology solves ...
... randjelovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022. 18th Serbian Geological Congress "Geology solves the problems", Divcibare, June 01st-04th 2022. Zbornik apstrakata Book of abstracts 221 TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE NORTH-EASTERN ...
... Nikola Ranđelović1, Branislav Trivić1, Nemanja Krstekanić1,2, Bojan Kostić1, Uroš Stojadinović1 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; 2Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences, Princetonlaan 4, 3584CD Utrecht, The Netherlands; E-mail: nikola ...Nikola Ranđelović, Branislav Trivić, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Results of comprehensive monitoring activities on Umka landslide, Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić (2021)Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić . "Results of comprehensive monitoring activities on Umka landslide, Belgrade, Serbia" in 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, IAEG National Group Greece (2021)
Variability of Accident Risk Level at Industrial Waste Landfills as a Result of Different Factors
Dragana Nišić, Neda Nišić (2021)Dragana Nišić, Neda Nišić. "Variability of Accident Risk Level at Industrial Waste Landfills as a Result of Different Factors" in 8th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, Soko banja, September 2021, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2021)
Analysis of Voltage Fluctuations Influence on the Mining Plants Efficiency
Snežana Aleksandrović, Ilija Jeftenić (2019)Snežana Aleksandrović, Ilija Jeftenić. "Analysis of Voltage Fluctuations Influence on the Mining Plants Efficiency" in 7th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection MEP 2019, 25-28 September 2019, Vrdnik, Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2019)
Analysis of noise sources in power transformers and rotating electrical machines
Snežana Aleksandrović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Analysis of noise sources in power transformers and rotating electrical machines" in 5th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection MEP 2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, 10-13 June 2015, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
Osnove nove litostratigrafske sistematizacije zapadnog dela kolubarskog basena
Marijana Petrović, Dušan Polomčić , Dragoljub Bajić. "Osnove nove litostratigrafske sistematizacije zapadnog dela kolubarskog basena" in Proceedings of the XVI Serbian Symposium on Hydrogeology, Zlatibor, Serbia, 28. September - 02. October, 2022, University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2022)
A reinterpretation of the geological map of northwestern part of Lece Volcanic Complex
Kostić Bojan, Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Krstekanić Nemanja, Pantelić Nemanja, Bosić Dragana (2017)Kostić Bojan, Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Krstekanić Nemanja, Pantelić Nemanja, Bosić Dragana. "A reinterpretation of the geological map of northwestern part of Lece Volcanic Complex" in 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Zlatibor Mts, Beograd:University of Belgrade-Faculty of mining and geology (2017): 55
Justification of coal exploitation from the “Cerje-Jovačko polje” deposit
Vidanović Nebojša, Tokalić Rade, Mitić Saša. "Justification of coal exploitation from the “Cerje-Jovačko polje” deposit" in Underground Mining Engineering no. 21, Belgrade, Serbia:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2012): 89-95
Hydraulic characterization of laterals as applied to selected radial collector wells at Belgrade Groundwater Source
Polomčić Dušan, Božovć Đorđije, Bajić Dragoljub. "Hydraulic characterization of laterals as applied to selected radial collector wells at Belgrade Groundwater Source" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva no. 77, Belgrade:University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2016): 33-42. https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP1677033P
Ammonium Nitrate Explosion Hazards
Negovanović Milanka, Kričak Lazar, Milanović Stefan, Đokić Nikola, Simić Nikola. "Ammonium Nitrate Explosion Hazards" in Underground Mining Engineering no. 27, Belgrade, Serbia:University оf Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015): 49-65
Kvalitativne karakteristike podzemnih voda izvorišta „Ključ“ u Požarevcu
Milica Stepanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić, Aleksanadar Avramović, Branko Mijatović. "Kvalitativne karakteristike podzemnih voda izvorišta „Ključ“ u Požarevcu " in Proceedings of the XVI Serbian Symposium on Hydrogeology, Zlatibor, Serbia, 28. September - 02. October, 2022, University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2022)