1349 items
Rangiranja bagera za njihovu revitalizaciju primenom višekriterijumske analize
Obzirom da je na našim površinskim kopovima trenutno u eksploataciji veći broj rotornih bagera sa sličnim tehničkim karakteristikama i približno istom starošću postavlja se pitanje kako rangirati bagere, i kojim redom da se izvrši njihova revitalizacija. Za ocenu stanja i rangiranje ovako velikog broja bagera najpogodnije se pokazalo korišćenje višekriterijumskih metoda sa višeatributnom ocenom, odnosno bodovanje referentnih indikatora stanja bagera na osnovu ekspertske ocene. U ovom radu prikazan je metodološki pristup koji je korišćen prilikom izrade Studije «Produžetak radnog ...Ivan Obradović, Dragan Ignjatović, Ranka Stanković, Ljiljana Ivković. "Rangiranja bagera za njihovu revitalizaciju primenom višekriterijumske analize" in MAREN 2006, Međunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i energetika, zbornik radova, septembar 2006, Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2006)
An Approach to Management Decision Support: The Coal Mine Pljevlja Management Information System
In this paper we describe the approach that has been used in the development of the Management Information System (MIS) in the Coal Mine Pljevlja in Montenegro. The methodology of this approach was based on new information technologies and management techniques which have already been successfully applied in other related fields. Its main goal was to introduce modern management techniques to mining, adapted to specific features of the mining industry, its operations and environment, thus enabling the tactical management ...Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Filip Vuković, Ivan Obradović. "An Approach to Management Decision Support: The Coal Mine Pljevlja Management Information System" in Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, September 2006, Vol. 1,, Balkema (2006)
Actual contamination of the Danube and Sava rivers at Belgrade (2013)
Milan Antonijević, Marija Arsović, Josef Cáslavský, Vesna Cvetković, Predrag Dabić, Mladen Franko, Gordana Ilić, Milena Ivanovic, Nevena Ivanović, Milica Kosovac, Dragana Medić, Slobodan Najdanović, Milica Nikolić, Jovana Novaković, Tatjana Radovanović, Djurdjina Ranić, Bojan Šajatović, Gorica Špijunović, Ivana Stankov, Jelena Tošović, Polonca Trebse, Olivera Vasiljević, Jan Schwarzbauer (2014)rečni sistemi, stanje zagađenja, organski zagađivači, teški metali, skrining analize, non-target screeningMilan Antonijević, Marija Arsović, Josef Cáslavský, Vesna Cvetković, Predrag Dabić, Mladen Franko, Gordana Ilić, Milena Ivanovic, Nevena Ivanović, Milica Kosovac, Dragana Medić, Slobodan Najdanović, Milica Nikolić, Jovana Novaković, Tatjana Radovanović, Djurdjina Ranić, Bojan Šajatović, Gorica Špijunović, Ivana Stankov, Jelena Tošović, Polonca Trebse, Olivera Vasiljević, Jan Schwarzbauer. "Actual contamination of the Danube and Sava rivers at Belgrade (2013)" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, National Library of Serbia (2014). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC131105014A
Method validation and geochemical modelling of chromium speciation in natural waters
The study focuses on validating reference methods such as ICP-OES and ICP-MS for detecting ultratrace levels of chromium in groundwater, where concentrations are typically very low. Additionally, it verifies a hyphenated technique, IC-ICP-MS, for determining naturally occurring Cr(VI) in tested waters. The validation process involved various chromium analysis variants, including isotopes 52Cr and 53Cr in ICP-MS and IC-ICP-MS techniques, along with specific emission lines in the ICPOES technique. Statistical data processing revealed that the achieved limits of quantification for ...шестовалентни хром, ИЦ-ИЦП-МС, технике са цртицама, геохемијско моделирање, анализа спецификација, валидација методеPiotr Rusiniak, Katarzyna Wątor, Ewa Kmiecik, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Method validation and geochemical modelling of chromium speciation in natural waters" in Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-77425-3
Resource-based WordNet Augmentation and Enrichment
In this paper we present an approach to support production of synsets for SerbianWordNet(SerWN)byadjustingPrincetonWordNet(PWN)synsetsusing several bilingual English-Serbian resources. PWN synset definitions were automatically translated and post-edited, if needed, while candidate literals for Serbian synsets were obtained automatically from a list of translational equivalents compiled form bilingual resources. Preliminary results obtained from a setof1248selectedPWNsynsetsshowthattheproducedSerbiansynsetscontain 4024 literals, out of which 2278 were offered by the system we present in this paper, whereas experts added the remaining 1746. Approximately one half of ...Ranka Stanković, Miljana Mladenović, Ivan Obradović, Marko Vitas, Cvetana Krstev. "Resource-based WordNet Augmentation and Enrichment" in Proceedings of the Third International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018), May 27-29, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia : The Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2018)
Age of the Jurassic hemipelagic sediments from the Ljubiš area (Zlatibor Mt., SW Serbia)
Nikita Bragin, Nevenka Đerić (2020)Nikita Bragin, Nevenka Đerić. "Age of the Jurassic hemipelagic sediments from the Ljubiš area (Zlatibor Mt., SW Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.11
Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production
Maja Trikić (2024)This paper will thoroughly examine how machine learning can improve the diagnosis of deep well pumps by analyzing the role and function of the pumps, dynamograms, sensor technologies, and diagnostic methods.Our analysis will provide insights into modern techniques and approaches for enhancing the performance and reliability of oil production systems, targeting cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.deep well pump, dynamograms, machine learning, diagnostics of operating coditions,Random Forest, XGBoost... the model and features. Features are numerical representations derived from available data and are linked to the model. Feature engineering is the process of shaping the most suitable features based on the data, model, and task. The number of features is also important. If there are not enough ...
... learned models to predict labels on unlabeled data. Predicted data with high confidence are added to the training set as pseudo-labeled data for further training. If the model recognizes certain patterns in the unlabeled data that are similar to labeled data, it can use them for further training and ...
... nodes are data points and edges represent similarity between them. The model propagates information through the graph to label unlabeled data based on the labels of their neighbors. If some data are labeled as "normal," the model can use the similarity between unlabeled data and labeled data to assess ...Maja Trikić. Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production, 2024
Development of A Business Intelligence Tool For Accident Analysis in Mines
Ljiljana Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Uroš Pantelić. "Development of A Business Intelligence Tool For Accident Analysis in Mines" in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Mining And Environmental Protection, June 10-13, 2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
The Jurassic ophiolitic mélanges in Serbia: a review and new insights
... Radiolarite Bositra/Protoglobigerina limestone Ammonoid/foraminifera/crinoid limestone Tr ia ss ic /J ur as si c bo un da ry - Oncoidal limestone with open-marine organisms and components Oncoidal limestone with shallow-water organisms and components - Dachstein limestone Fig. ...
... 45—70. VISHNEVSKAYA, V. & DJERIĆ, N. 2009. Mesozoic Radiolaria of Bosnia and Serbia: New Data. Paleontological Journal, 43 (12):1–56. VISHNEVSKAYA, V., DJERIĆ, N. & ZAKARIADZE, G.S. 2009. New data on Mesozoic Radiolaria of Serbia and Bosnia, and implications for the age and evolution of oceanic ...
... DJERIĆ et al., 2012), but the age of the whole radio- laritic succession (Gonje Formation) is still not ex- actly dated and several open questions remained open. This paper deals with the study ofradiolarian assemblage from the Krš Gradac section with its biostratigraphic analysis and correlation ...Nevenka Đerić, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick, Milan Sudar. "The Jurassic ophiolitic mélanges in Serbia: a review and new insights" in Journal of the Geological Society, Geological Society of London (2024). https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2023-165
KINDRA project – knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Zoran Stevanović, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Veljko Marinović (2017)... на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Projekat Kindra ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Zoran Stevanović, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Veljko Marinović. "KINDRA project – knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research" in Proceedings of the national conference with international participation „Geosciences 2017“, Sofia, Bulgaria, 07-08 December, 2017, Sofia : Bulgarian Geological Society (2017)
Critical disorder and critical magnetic field of the nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model in thin systems
... lateral directions and open in the thickness direction of the L × L × l cubic lattice). The numerical data, presented by dots, are shown against the system thickness l and lateral linear size L together with the theoretical surface (15) that best fits the H eff,O c (l, L) data for B = 0.20 ± 0.07 with ...
... supported the pre- dictions for finite lattices by the numerical data obtained in extensive simulations. The analysis is performed using periodic (i.e., closed) boundary conditions in both lateral directions and two types (closed and open) along thick- ness, the latter one better corresponding to the ...
... finite thickness exhibits a criticality that is for thin systems with the open boundaries along thick- ness described by the critical exponents from the 2D model, which should be relevant for the analyses of experimental data obtained on thin ferromagnetic samples. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported ...Svetislav Mijatović, Dragutin Jovković, Sanja Janićević, Đorđe Spasojević. "Critical disorder and critical magnetic field of the nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model in thin systems" in Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) (2019). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.032113
Multiphase evolution of fluids in the Rudnik hydrothermal-skarn deposit (Serbia): new constraints from study of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions
This study presents and discusses first detailed petrographic, microthermometric and Raman spectroscopic data from quartzhosted fluid inclusions at Rudnik Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag skarn deposit (Serbia) and combines them with the information on skarnand ore paragenesis. Three periods in the metamorphic-hydrothermal history of the deposit are recognized: 1) the pre-ore prograde skarn period when garnet-clinopyroxene skarns formed, 2) the syn-ore period that encompasses a retrograde stage marked by epidote and zoisite and a quartz-sulfide stage characterized by quartz, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena and ...skarnovska ležišta, rudnik, fludine inkluzije, srpska kenozojska magmatska provincija, Zapadno Tetisjki metalogenetski pojas... phase produced a wide range of volcanogenic and intrusive facies of quartz-latite composition; the latter phase is interpreted as petrogenetically linked to the Rud- nik deposit (Cvetković et al. 2016a). The Miocene extrusive facies are present in the NW and SW parts of the magmatic complex, whereas ...
... wt%), Cu (0.08-2.18 wt%), and Ag (50—297 ug/g) (Stojanović et al. 2018). Despite the significant geological data obtained through half a century of industrial exploration, there are to date just a few detailed sci- entific studies about the Rudnik deposit (e.g. Cvetković et al. 2016a; Stojanović ...
... Geology of the Rudnik deposit chapters, as well as the conclusion. All authors reviewed the manuscript and agreed with the proposed text. Data availability All data presented in the paper are available in the Electronic Supplementary Materials. References Ahmed Z, Hariri MM (2006) Formation and ...Stefan Petrović, Ronald J. Bakker, Vladica Cvetković, Rade Jelenković. "Multiphase evolution of fluids in the Rudnik hydrothermal-skarn deposit (Serbia): new constraints from study of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions" in Mineralogy and Petrology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-024-00860-7
Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine
... Figure 1. Business system of an open pit mine 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS The complexity of business dealings requires the use of CASE tools, which support the complete development cycle: process modeling, conceptual data modeling, designing of the data logical structure, forms of input and ...
... izvjestaja ... Obracun nor ... POCET SMJEN Figure 2. Exploitation process monitoring 4 DATA MODEL Entity Relationship Diagrammer was used for the purposes of data modeling . Figure 3 displays a data model for the basic factors of technological operation of transport and loading. The basic ...
... Figure 5. Pannel of the user interface The third group of the data consists of Reports and Statistics, which show separate, analytical, detailed data about every recorded events and summary, aggregated, synthetic data deduced from the previous. High-quality, clear and well-devised reports ...Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Filip Vuković . "Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine" in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2000, Routledge (2018). https://doi.org/10.1201/9780203747124-154
Timing and facies analysis of the Middle Miocene Badenian flood deposits in southern Central Paratethys—insights from KC-4 borehole, western Serbia
Ljupko Rundić, Violeta Gajić, Stjepan Ćorić, Jelena Stefanović, Natalija Batoćanin, Marija Radisavljević, Dejan Prelević (2024)facijalna analiza, biostratigrafija, U–Pb datiranje, badenska transgresija, Juzni Cetralni Paratetis... deposits across the Pannonian Basin (Pćcskay et al. 2006; Luk4cs et al. 2018a, b; 2021, 2022; Šegvić et al. 2023). This silicic volcanism is closely linked to the Early to Mid-Miocene lithospheric extension beneath @ Springer International Journal of Earth Sciences (2024) 113:1067–1094 the Pannonian ...
... as QCM to monitor the accuracy and precision of the measurements. Data reduction was performed using Iolite in combination with the Isoplot (4.15) add-in for Excel (Ludwig 2003) and Isoplotr (Vermeesch 2018). Obtained data for the zircon age standard 91,500 and Pleasovice agree with published ...
... (sample 113 from International Journal of Earth Sciences (2024) 113:1067–1094 480.8 m and sample 96 from 368.3 m) presence/absence data were collected. Quantitative data were obtained by counting approximately 300 specimens from each slide, further 100 view squares were checked for important species ...Ljupko Rundić, Violeta Gajić, Stjepan Ćorić, Jelena Stefanović, Natalija Batoćanin, Marija Radisavljević, Dejan Prelević. "Timing and facies analysis of the Middle Miocene Badenian flood deposits in southern Central Paratethys—insights from KC-4 borehole, western Serbia" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-024-02430-w
Regional rockfall exposure assessment, experience from Serbia
Rockfalls are common in hilly and mountainous areas, especially along roads with engineered slopes and cuts. Such is the case for most of the state and local road routes in Central, Serbia, which was the subject in this case study. A road network of 276 km covering roughly 1700 km2 between the cities of Kraljevo, Čačak and Ivanjica is presented. Assessing of such wide areas needs to be conducted from large to site-specific scale, i.e., using GIS spatial tools ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Snežana Bogdanović. "Regional rockfall exposure assessment, experience from Serbia" in 5th Regional symposium on landslides in Adriatic–Balkan Region, 23-26 March 2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb (2022)
New data from the Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform deposits of Dimitrovgrad section (Southeastern Serbia)
Jelena Stefanović, Bojana Džinić, Giovanna Della Porta, Dejan Radivojević. "New data from the Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform deposits of Dimitrovgrad section (Southeastern Serbia)" in 90° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, Trieste, 14-16 septembar, 2021, Società Geologica Italiana (2021)
Regional Debris Flow Hazard Assessment of the Grdelica Gorge (Serbia)
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić. "Regional Debris Flow Hazard Assessment of the Grdelica Gorge (Serbia)" in Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, Springer Cham (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-55120-8_15
The ‘Umka’ landslide
We present an in-depth landslide map of the ‘Umka’ landslide near Belgrade, Serbia, at a scale of 1:5000. The map delineates elements at risk, primarily buildings and road infrastructure impacted by the landslide displacements of several cm per year, introduced during frequent reactivation stages. The Main map results from a survey of over 350 buildings and more than 7 km of state and local roads. The acquisition techniques included engineering geological field mapping, building survey, and visual interpretation of ...rizik od klizišta, elementi rizika, kartiranje pomoću drona, ispitivanje objekata, geotehnički monitoringUroš Đurić, Dragana Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Ivana Vasiljević. "The ‘Umka’ landslide" in Journal of Maps, Informa UK Limited (2024). https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2418580
Gornjomiocenski laporci Panonskog jezera na površinskom kopu Filijala (Beočin, severna Srbija) - novi geološki i paleomagnetni podaci
Ganić Meri, Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Cvetkov Vesna. "Gornjomiocenski laporci Panonskog jezera na površinskom kopu Filijala (Beočin, severna Srbija) - novi geološki i paleomagnetni podaci" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva no. 71, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 95-108
Mikroelementi u kvartarnim sedimentima i lignitu Kostolačko-kovinskog ugljonosnog basena, istočna Srbija – odabrani primeri
Sadržaj, distribucija i način pojavljivanja elemenata u tragovima (mikroelemenata), posebno potencijalno toksičnih i radioaktivnih elemenata u uglju, su od velikog značaja, posebno ako se koriste kao gorivo u termoelektranama (TE). Na osnovu sistematski prikupljenih podataka o elementima u tragovima u uglju, zemljištu i sedimentima, moguće je utvrditi stepen zagađenosti vazduha, zemljišta, vode, kao i negativan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi. Eksploatacija i istraživanje lignita u Kostolcu i Kovinu traje više od jednog veka, dok se sagorevanje lignita sa površinskih kopa ...Bogoljub Vučković, Biljana Radovanović, Dragana Životić. "Mikroelementi u kvartarnim sedimentima i lignitu Kostolačko-kovinskog ugljonosnog basena, istočna Srbija – odabrani primeri" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)