402 items
Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine
Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić (2023)Open pit coal mining affects surrounding populated areas, resulting in terrain surface deformation. Surface deformation should be monitored as often as possible to control deformations and prevent potential incidents. This paper analyzes time series deformation estimated from the Sentinel-1 satellite images using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry method to monitor subsidence rates caused by open pit mining activities. It is possible to measure deformations using classical geodetic methods, but those are rarely used in practice because they are time-consuming and ...Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić. "Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine" in Remote Sensing (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15102519
Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region
Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic (2021)Циљ студије је био да се процени потенцијални ризик од зрачења у близини напуштених рудника уранијума, јаловишта или лежишта уранијума на Старој планини у Србији. За процену ризика одређено је неколико параметара: активност еквивалента радијума, Raeq, екстерни индекс опасности, Hex, брзина апсорбоване дозе гама зрачења, D, годишња ефективна доза на позадинској експозицији гама гама на отвореном, AEDoutdoor и ризик од рака током живота, ELCR. Добијени резултати су показали да сви узорци, осим једног, имају Raeq вредност и до два ...Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic. "Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region" in Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP2004354D
Flyrock induced by blasting in surface mining
Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Snežana Ignjatović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Rade Šarac (2022)Miniranje predstavlja i dalje najefikasniji i najjeftiniji način eksploatacije velikih količina čvrstih mineralnih sirovina na površinskim kopovima. Energija eksplozije se koristi za fragmentaciju čvrste stenske mase do zahtevane granulacije. Pored pozitivnih efekata miniranja, postoje i određeni neželjeni efekti svakog procesa miniranja koji se mogu javiti, a to su: potresi tla, razletanje komada stene, vazdušni udari, otrovni i zagušljivi gasovi i prašina. Razletanje komada stene je nekontrolisano izbacivanje fragmenata odminirane stenske mase i predstavlja jedan od glavnih izvora materijalne štete ...Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Snežana Ignjatović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Rade Šarac. "Flyrock induced by blasting in surface mining" in Rudarski glasnik, Beograd : Rudarski institut (2022). https://doi.org/10.25075/BM.2022.05
Wireless Sequential Blasting Initiation System
Kričak Lazar, Negovanović Milanka, Janković Ivan, Zeković Dario, Jovanović D.. "Wireless Sequential Blasting Initiation System" in Proceedings of IV Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia:Velenje Coal Mine (2011): 81-88
A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology
Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja (2021)The research presented in this paper aims at creating a bilingual (sr-en), easily searchable, hypertext, born-digital, corpus-based terminological database of raw material terminology for dictionary production. The approach is based on linking dictionaries related to the raw material domain, both digitally born and printed, into a lexicon structure, aligning terminology from different dictionaries as much as possible. This paper presents the main features of this approach, data used for compilation of the terminological database, the procedure by which it has ...sirovine, rudarstvo, terminologija, rečnik, terminološka aplikacija, mobilna aplikacija, digitizacija, leksički podaci, korpusi, otvoreni povezani podaci... resource, mostly handcrafted, was also developed to support knowledge management in specific subfields of mining engineering, such as mining equipment, mine safety and geostatistics [22]. A thesaurus of mining terminology is available online, but it is not systematically updated. Moreover the application ...
... component relations (between single words and terminological phrases). For example, lexical entry ‘rudar’ (miner, person engaged in mining, a worker in a mine) contains information related to part of speech: ‘N’ (noun), morphological class ‘N2’, semantic tag ‘+Hum’ (human), domain ‘DOM = mining’. Its inflected ...
... three bilingual mining English-Serbian dictionaries produced 24,049 entries, three monolingual English dictionar- ies covering terminology from the mine safety domain contributed with 655 entries, and an English-Serbian dictionary of terminology in the field of waste management yielded 1968 entries. ...Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja. "A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11072892
Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić (2021)The production of lignite in large open-pit mines is mainly performed with continuously operating equipment, where bucket-wheel excavators, bucket-chain excavators, belt conveyors, and spreaders are the basic machines. Smaller machines, usually of discontinuous operating nature, are commonly categorized as auxiliary machines. This paper presents the research related to the analysis of auxiliary machine parameters with the case study for a hydraulic excavator. The purpose of the analysis was to develop a model of rating quality of service of the ...Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić. "Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3945617
Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“
Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић (2024)Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић. "Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Београд : Српско геолошко друштво (2024)
Primena digitalne fotogrametrije u rudniku Rudnik
Digitalna fotogrametrija, lasersko skeniranje i virtuelizacija sve više pronalaze aktivne uloge u rudarstvu, prvenstveno zbog svoje široke mogućnosti primene. Laserskim skeniranjem i fotogrametrijom snimaju se i kreiraju 3D modeli otkopa, jamskih hodnika, površinskih kopova, površinskih objekata (zgrada, spomenika, predmeta), a vrši se skeniranje celih rudnika koji se rekonstruišu u 3D digitalne modele. Fotogrametrija predstavlja proces fotografisanja objekata pomoću fotoaparata i daljom obradom fotografija u različitim softverskim alatima kreiraju se realne kopije 3D modela objekata ili predmeta u digitalnoj formi. Za ...... educational purposes, as an aid during the training of high school and university students and new employees in the mine and for the needs of the museum as archival displays of the mine available to the public. Keywords: digital photogrammetry, spatial visualization, mining facilities, underground ...
... M. (2013). Determination of volumetric changes from laser scanning at an underground limestone mine. Mining Engineering, 65(11) [8] Slaker, B., & Westman, E. (2014). Identifying underground coal mine displacement through field and laboratory laser scanning. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1) ...
... Determination of volumetric changes at an underground stone mine: a photogrammetry case study. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26(1), 149-154 [10] B. A. Slaker, E. C. Westman (2015) Monitoring underground mine displacement using photogrammetry and laser scanning (Doctoral ...Nikola Mirković, Luka Crnogorac, Katarina Urošević. "Primena digitalne fotogrametrije u rudniku Rudnik" in XI Međunarodna konferencija ugalj i kritični minerali CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Minimization of business risks in mining companies through loaders-truck equipment selection
Popović Milena, Kuzmanović Marija, Vujošević Mirko, Milutinović Aleksandar. "Minimization of business risks in mining companies through loaders-truck equipment selection" in 5th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2013 1, Ohrid, Makedonija:Association of Mine and Geological Engineering and Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within Goce Delcev University (2013): 439-444
Evaluation of the external risks in the coal mining company Kostolac
Kuzmanović Marija, Milutinović Aleksandar, Vujošević Mirko, Panić Biljana. "Evaluation of the external risks in the coal mining company Kostolac" in 5th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2013 1, Ohrid, Makedonija:Association of Mine and Geological Engineering and Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within Goce Delcev University (2013): 182-188
Faktori uticaja na izbor optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda kod površinskih kopova
Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić (2015)Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Faktori uticaja na izbor optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda kod površinskih kopova" in VII Međunarodna konferencija Ugalj 2015, Zlatibor 14-17. oktobar 2015., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2015)
Applicability of the input-output analysis in the coal industry of Serbia
Maksimović Svetomir, Miljanović Igor, Josipović Pejović Milena. "Applicability of the input-output analysis in the coal industry of Serbia" in Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2011, 18-20.10.2011 - no. -, Ljubljana, Slovenia:Velenje Coal Mine, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (2011): 341-345. https://doi.org/-
Influence of GPS telemetry on increasing the energetic efficiency and decreasing technical technological risks at open pit mines
Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Milutinović Aleksandar, Gajić Grozdana, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena (2011)Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Milutinović Aleksandar, Gajić Grozdana, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena. "Influence of GPS telemetry on increasing the energetic efficiency and decreasing technical technological risks at open pit mines" in Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2011, 18-20.10.2011 - no. -, Ljubljana, Slovenia:Velenje Coal Mine, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (2011): 273-276. https://doi.org/-
Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points
Milica Stepanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2021.08.09
Hidrogeologija ležišta bakra i zlata Čukaru Peki – od istraživanja do eksploatacije
Podzemne vode, Mineralne sirovine, Rudnička hidrogeologija, Odvodnjavanje rudnika, Timočki magmatski kompleksNebojša Atanacković, Vladimir Živanović, Veselin Dragišić, Jelena Davidović. "Hidrogeologija ležišta bakra i zlata Čukaru Peki – od istraživanja do eksploatacije" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina
Tina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić (2020)Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary ChangeTina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić. "Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08987-4
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
Asset management and condition monitoring on maintenance of mining equipment lignite mines
Predrag Jovančić (2016)Maintenance strategy, once set, is not permanent. This strategy should be adapted and altered according to the findings, achieved results, variation of mine product prices, changes in the region etc. On the other hand, maintenance strategy should be: safe operation, higher productivity, reduced costs and functionality of complete system. Asset management represents activities through which mine achieves the optimal and sustainable management of its property, in order to meet the plan - realization of production with optimized costs. Therefore, ...Predrag Jovančić. "Asset management and condition monitoring on maintenance of mining equipment lignite mines" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2016)
Obuka za rukovaoce rudarskih mašina - primer uputstva za kreiranje treninga
U ovom radu je predstavljen primer uputstva za kreiranje obuke za pregled rudarskog kamiona. Iako je rudarska industrija zahtevna, kompleksna i delimično opasna, ona je važan segment privrede. Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu i obuka zaposlenih su sastavni deo procesa rada. Zbog toga, obuka zaposlenih je alat koji je suštinski važan za održavanje radnog procesa na odgovarajućem nivou, istovremeno čuvajući bezbednost i zdravlje zaposlenih, imovinu, i životnu sredinu. Postoje različite karakteristike zaposlenih kao i isplativost ulaganja koje takođe treba ...Lazar Žujović, Filip Miletić, Marko Lazić, Milan Miljković. "Obuka za rukovaoce rudarskih mašina - primer uputstva za kreiranje treninga" in XV Međunarodna konferencija ugalj 2022, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2022)
Sepiolite – a by-product of exploitation as a potential raw material in Serbian industry
This paper gives a brief overview of the sepiolite deposits, the basic properties, and the possibilities of using this mineral. Particular attention is paid to sepiolites from domestic production, especially the use of sepiolites suitable for the development of small businesses and technologies, with a focus on environmental protection. Aim of this paper is to point out importance of this mineral and to draw attention to the use of domestic raw materials. With appropriate mechanical and chemical pretreatments, sepiolite is ...Radmila Gaćina, Katarina Urošević, Jelena Zakonović. "Sepiolite – a by-product of exploitation as a potential raw material in Serbian industry" in Underground mining engineering , Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1935081G