3219 items
Quality of water in storage reservoirs related to the catchments lithology
Nikić Zoran, Ristić Ratko, Srećković Batoćanin Danica, Ristović Ivica. "Quality of water in storage reservoirs related to the catchments lithology" in First Serbian Forestry Congress under slogan Future With Forests, Topic B: Ecological Engineering in Protection of Soil and Water Resources, Belgrade:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry (2011): 1037-1043 M33
Petrology of urgonian limestone on Tisnica quarry (eastern Serbia)
Matović Vesna, Gajić Violeta, Vasić Nebojša. "Petrology of urgonian limestone on Tisnica quarry (eastern Serbia)" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 246-248 M64
O potrebi formiranja nove nacionalne mreže za monitoring podzemnih voda u srbiji
Стевановић Зоран, Ристић-Вакањац Весна, Милановић Саша. "O potrebi formiranja nove nacionalne mreže za monitoring podzemnih voda u srbiji" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2014): 313-319 M63
Potencijal samoniklih biljnih vrsta u remedijaciji otkrivke rudnika bakra u Boru, Srbija
Ranđelović Dragana, Jovanović Slobodan, Šajn Robert, Mihailović Nevena, Cvetković Vladica. "Potencijal samoniklih biljnih vrsta u remedijaciji otkrivke rudnika bakra u Boru, Srbija" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. : [(национални конгрес с међународним учешћем)] = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resou, Donji Milanovac:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 911 M64
Had Late Oligocene-Early Miocene magmatism in the Dinarides different phases: The case study of the Rudnik Mts. volcanic complex
Cvetković Vladica, Šarić Kristina, Pecskay Zoltan, Gerdes, A.. "Had Late Oligocene-Early Miocene magmatism in the Dinarides different phases: The case study of the Rudnik Mts. volcanic complex" in Proceedings XX congress of the Carpathian-Balkan geological Association, September 24-26 2014 Tirana, Buletini i Shkencave Gjelogjike, spec. iss, Special Sessions, Tirana: (2014): 432-432 M34
Kompleksno iskorišćenje mineralno-sirovinskog potencijala leđišta uglja Veliki Crljeni, kolubarski ugljonosni basen (mogući scenario)
Vučković Bogoljub, Nešić Duško, Bogdanović Vesna, Draško Zoran, Klemčić Goran. "Kompleksno iskorišćenje mineralno-sirovinskog potencijala leđišta uglja Veliki Crljeni, kolubarski ugljonosni basen (mogući scenario)" in Savremene tehnologije u rudarstvu i zaštiti životne sredine : zbornik radova / I Međunarodni simpozijum RUDARSTVO 2010, Tara 24. - 26. Maj, 2010 = Modern Technologies in Mining and Environmental Protection : proceedings 1, Tara:Privredna komora Srbije (2010): 93-98 M33
Minerali iz grupe aluminijum fosfata – sulfata (AFS) u Borskoj metalogenetskoj zoni, Srbija
Pačevski Aleksandar, Šarić Kristina, Cvetković Vladica, Banješević Miodrag. "Minerali iz grupe aluminijum fosfata – sulfata (AFS) u Borskoj metalogenetskoj zoni, Srbija" in Оптимално истраживање и одрживо коришћење геолошких ресурса : зборник радова XVI конгреса геолога Србије, Donji Milanovac, 22-25.05.2014. = Optimal Reserach and Sustainable Usage of the Geological Resources : proceedings of the XVI Serbian Geologcal, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 281-284 M63
Landslide Umka – The first GNSS monitoring project in Serbia
Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar, Jelisavac Branko, Vujanic Vladeta. "Landslide Umka – The first GNSS monitoring project in Serbia" in Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu / VIII međunarodni naučni stručni skup, Banja Luka, 26. i 27. april 2012. godine = Contemporary Theory and Practice in Building Development / 8th International Scientific Technical Conference, Banja Luka, 26 1 no. 1, Banja Luka, BiH:Institute for Construction Banja Luka (2012): 311-320 M33
Applying 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning on Rock Slope Letnja Pozornica in Belgrade
Abolmasov Biljana, Pejić Marko, Zečević Snežana, Šušić Vladimir. "Applying 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning on Rock Slope Letnja Pozornica in Belgrade" in Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu / VIII međunarodni naučni stručni skup, Banja Luka, 26. i 27. april 2012. godine = Contemporary Theory and Practice in Building Development / 8th International Scientific Technical Conference, Banja Luka, 26, Banja Luka, BiH:Institute for Construction Banja Luka (2012): 321-328 M33
Low-temperature evolution of the Serbo-Macedonian massif (SE Serbia): evidence from Ap and Zr fission-track analysis
Antić Milorad, Kounov Alexandre, Trivić Branislav. "Low-temperature evolution of the Serbo-Macedonian massif (SE Serbia): evidence from Ap and Zr fission-track analysis" in Proceedings of the XX CBGA Congress, Tirana, Albania, 23 – 29 September 2014 Jan-15, Tirana, Albania:Buletini i Shkencave Gjeojoglike (2014): 135-135 M34
Опрема за континуалну контролу квалитета угља, on-line анализатори
Кнежевић Динко, Колоња Божо, Игњатовић Драган, Деушић Славен, Вучинић Душица, Томанец Рудолф. "Опрема за континуалну контролу квалитета угља, on-line анализатори" in International workshop COAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, MAREN, Београд, Србија:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2011) M33
Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Samčović Andreja. "Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay" in Proceedings of 11th Symposium on Neural Network Appliciations in electrical Engineering, (ELEVENTH SYMPOSIUM ON NEURAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (NEUREL 2012)), Beograd:Faculy of Electrical Engineering (2012): 35-39. https://doi.org/10.1109/NEUREL.2012.6419957 M31
A Tel Platform Blending Academic And Entrepreneurial Knowledge
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović. "A Tel Platform Blending Academic And Entrepreneurial Knowledge" in Proceedings of the The Fourth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2013), September 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2013) M33
An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources
Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan, Trtovac Aleksandra. "An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI 2012, Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of Balkan Languages – CLoBL 2012, September 2012, Novi Sad : BCI (2012) M33
Building Terminological Resources in an e-Learning Environment
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Building Terminological Resources in an e-Learning Environment" in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on e-Learning, eLearning-2012, September 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2012) M33
An aproach to Implementation of blended learning in a university setting
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Jelena Prodanović . "An aproach to Implementation of blended learning in a university setting" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Learning, eLearning 2011, September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2011) M33
GIS Application Improvement with Multilingual Lexical and Terminological Resources
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "GIS Application Improvement with Multilingual Lexical and Terminological Resources" in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta, May 2010, Valetta, Malta : European Language Resources Association (2010) M33
An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2009)Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources" in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Computational Linguistics – Applications Workshop (CLA09), Mrągowo, Poland, October 2009, Piscataway : IEEE (2009) M33
Using technology for knowledge transfer between academia and enterprises
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2014)Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Using technology for knowledge transfer between academia and enterprises" in Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth, Proc. of IFKAD 2014, 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 11-13 June 2013, Matera, Italy, Bari : IFKAD (2014) M33
Improvement of Roadways Stability in Serbian Underground Coal Mines
Milisavljević Vladimir, Ristović Ivica, Čokorilo Vojin, Lilić Nikola, Miodrag Denić. "Improvement of Roadways Stability in Serbian Underground Coal Mines" in Proceedings/4th Balkan Mining Congress, :University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (2011): 533-538 M33