297 items
Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste
Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović (2022)Regardless of the numerous activities undertaken to reduce municipal solid waste, its annual volumes continue to grow. In Serbia, the most common and the only one form of waste disposal is at municipal landfills with daily compaction and soil covering. Municipal waste compacting is one of the basic components of the disposal process. Well compacted waste takes up less volume and allows much safer storage. In order to better predict the behavior of municipal waste at landfills, it is ...Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović. "Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste" in ICEG 2022: International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2022)
Geotechnical effects of municipal solid waste destruction with different compaction methods
Jovana M Janković Pantić, Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Tina D Đurić, Gordana Hadži-Niković (2022)Disposal of waste in municipal solid waste landfills is the only way of waste disposal in Serbia, with daily compaction and covering with soil material. Due to less space for the construction of new landfills, it is necessary to use their maximum capacity. Well-compacted municipal solid waste takes up less volume and enables safer storage, so it is useful to previously determine the compaction parameters in the laboratory: maximum dry unit weight (γdmax) and optimal water content (wopt). In ...Jovana M Janković Pantić, Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Tina D Đurić, Gordana Hadži-Niković. "Geotechnical effects of municipal solid waste destruction with different compaction methods" in Доклади на Българската академия на науките Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences (2022). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2022.01.13
Značaj izvodjenja Proktorovog opita na komunalnom otpadu
Komunalni otpad predstavlja jedan od ključnih problema današnjice. U Srbiji je najčešći vid odlaganja otpada na komunalne deponije i zbog toga je bitno ispravno i sigurno ga skladištiti. Zbijanje komunalnog otpada predstavlja jednu od osnovnih komponenti procesa odlaganja. Kako bi se što bolje predvidelo ponašanje komunalnog otpada neophodno je pre zbijanja na terenu laboratorijski odrediti maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu i optimalnu vlažnost. U dosadašnjoj praksi u svetu za to se koristi standardizovan Proktorov opit. U radu će biti prikazani ...... before compaction in the terrain, for which Standard Proctor test has been used in the world current practice. This paper presents the results of the Proctor test for municipal waste taken from the dump in Plandište. KEY WORDS: municipal solid waste (MSW), compaction, landfill, Standard Proctor test ...
... rs See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340660301 THE IMPORTANCE OF PROCTOR TEST PERFORMANCE ON MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE Conference Paper · November 2019 CITATIONS 0 READS 19 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this ...
... je pre zbijanja na terenu laboratorijski odrediti maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu i optimalnu vlažnost. U u Plandištu. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROCTOR TEST PERFORMANCE ON MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE ABSTRACT Municipal solid waste management is one of the crucial problems worldwide. In Serbia, the most ...Jovana Janković, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Laslo Čaki. "Značaj izvodjenja Proktorovog opita na komunalnom otpadu" in Zbornik radova osmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2019)
Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja
Jovana M. Janković Pantić (2022)Odlaganje otpada na komunalne deponije predstavlja osnovni način zbrinjavanja otpada u Srbiji. Kako bi se prostor za deponovanje materijala racionalno koristio potrebno ga je svakodnevno zbijati sa unapred definisanom količinom vode koja se dodaje. Dobro zbijeni komunalni otpad zauzima manju zapreminu i omogućuje sigurnije skladištenje, pa je korisno prethodno laboratorijski odrediti parametre zbijanja: maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu (dmax) i optimalnu vlažnost (wopt). U Srbiji do sada nisu određivani parametri zbijanja, dok je u svetu primenjivana standardna metoda (Proktorov opit) ...Jovana M. Janković Pantić. Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja, Beograd : [J. Janković Pantić], 2022
Parametri zbijanja komunalnog otpada određeni različitim laboratorijskim metodama
Jovana M Janković Pantić, Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Tina D Đurić, Snežana Bogdanović (2021)Zbijanje komunalnog otpada predstavlja jednu od osnovnih faza korišćenja komunalne deponije. Zbog toga je kao i kod drugih nasutih građevina, veoma korisno odrediti parametre zbijanja: maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu (dmax) i optimalnu vlažnost (wopt). Dobijeni rezultati mogu da posluže prilikom projektovanja kapaciteta deponije kao i prilikom definisanja obradivosti otpada. U dosadašnjoj praksi najčešći način određivanja parametra zbijanja je standardna metoda (Proktorov opit) koja se koristi u mehanici tla, uz eventualnu redukciju energije zbijanja. Međutim, različiti tretmani komunalnog otpada na ...... workability of waste. In current practice, ће most common method ог determination compaction parameters is by standard method (Proctor compaction test) used јп soil mechanics, with еуепша! reduction of compaction епегру. Although this methodology is accepted in some younger scicntific discipline ...
... is determined. Кеу words: municipal waste landfill, compaction, Proctor compaction test, ћаттег with spikes 1. UVOD Odlaganje komunalnog otpada па deponije predstavlja jedan od vclikih izazova današnjicc sa ckološkog aspekta. Počevši od izbora lokacije, njenog životnog vcka, pa preko sigurnog ...
... tested т standard Proctor apparatus at (ће same compaction energy, but with two different hammers: standard flat hammer and hammer with spikes. In this way, it is possible to compare thc results obtained by different compaction procedures, and cffect of ће wastc composition on compaction conditions is ...Jovana M Janković Pantić, Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Tina D Đurić, Snežana Bogdanović . "Parametri zbijanja komunalnog otpada određeni različitim laboratorijskim metodama" in Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2021)
Određivanje zbijenosti starog komunalnog otpada
Bez obzira na savremene tretmane komunalnog otpada u svetu, u Srbiji je i dalje najčešći vid odlaganja na komunalne deponije, pa zbijanje otpada predstavlja jednu od ključnih faza formiranja deponije. Na ovaj način znatno se smanjuje zapremina otpada, ubrzava proces degradacije i produžava radni vek deponije. Zbog toga su geotehničke karakteristike komunalnog otpada prilikom zbijanja, veoma bitne kako u fazi projektovanja tako i u fazi izgradnje deponije i optimizacije prostora. Tu se pre svega misli na maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku ...Jovana Janković, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Tina Đurić. "Određivanje zbijenosti starog komunalnog otpada" in Konferencija Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad, 16-18.06.2021., Beograd : Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo (2021)
Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers
This paper presents a dynamic California Bearing Ratio (CBRd) device that can be used on a prepared pavement foundation layer to obtain a certain parameter of the tested material in the laboratory and in situ in a direct and fast way. For the selected natural material (gravel), it is shown that the laboratory CBRd can be used to estimate the compaction and bearing capacity, because it correlates well with the parameters of the standard and modifed Proctor compaction tests. ...korelacija parametara, donji slojevi saobraćajnica, laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja, dinamički kalifornijski indeks nosivosti CBRd... modified (MP) compaction energy (Proctor compaction) with different water content in the range of 0-12. The water content range was selected such that unsaturated conditions could be represented, with the aim of replicating field conditions during the process of determining the compaction and bearing ...
... material (gravel), it is shown that the laboratory CBR, can be used to estimate the compaction and bearing capacity, because it correlates well with the parameters of the standard and modified Proctor compaction tests. Comparative tests revealed that there is good correlation between the field CBR ...
... ion of individual fractions: 1.4%-1.8% clay and silt, 43.2%-46.2% sand, and 52.5%-55.4% gravel. The basic compaction characteristics were determined by the standard and modified Proctor com- paction tests in accordance with the SRPS EN 13286-2:2012 standard. The tests were performed by com- pacting ...Milan Bogdanović, Snežana Bogdanović, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović. "Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers" in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11204-024-09939-x
Control of substructure construction of railways in the Republic of Serbia
Контрола збијености природног тла (у ископу) или збијеног у насипу при изградњи саобраћајница представља један од основних облика контроле квалитета доњег строја. Код изградње брзих саобраћајница (аутопутеви и брза железница) приоритет је постизање високог нивоа контроле извршених радова. У циљу онемогућавања диференцијалног слегања (при изградњи насипа), или промене запремине услед допунског збијања материјала, које неминовно доводе до деформација, потребно је извршити оптимално збијање материјала. У оквиру овог рада приказује се техничка регулатива која регулише контролу збијености при изградњи железничке ...... the degree of compaction Rc* is applied here on the soil with a maximum grain size of 5 mm, and in relation to the maximum value of the unit weight in the dry state obtained by the experiment of laboratory compaction according to SRPS U.B1.038, ie according to St. Proctor Test. The following ...
... regulations regulates the construction of the substructure with defined criteria. The compaction and bearing capacity of the earth carcass layers is assessed by the static deformation modulus Ev2, which is determined by the test plate, while the control is performed by the dynamic deformation modulus Evd, ...
... This practice of compaction control and substructure construction is not in line with existing regulations. The consequences of such tests often lead to the degradation of the substructure, which results in the need to repair and reduce the speed. It is an indisputable fact that this test method is used ...Dragan Lukić, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović. "Control of substructure construction of railways in the Republic of Serbia" in International Conference On Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV, Banja Luka 16-17 jun 2022., University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2022)
Estimation of soil Compaction Parameters Based on the Atterberg Limits
Đoković Ksenija, Rakić Dragoslav, Ljubojev Milenko. "Estimation of soil Compaction Parameters Based on the Atterberg Limits" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor, Srbija: Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor = Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor (2013): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1304001D
Synthesis and characterization of high-pressure and high-temperature sphene (CaTiSiO5)
Jelena Pantić, Vladimir Urbanovich, Vesna Poharc-Logar, Bojan Jokić, Marija Stojmenović, Aleksandar Kremenović, Branko Matović (2014)Sphene (CaTiSiO5), a calcium titanosilicate ceramic has been prepared from a powder mixture of CaCO3, TiO2 and SiO2 using vibro-milling for homogenization and activation of precursors. During the highpressure and high-temperature synthesis (HPS) process at 4 GPa and 1,200 °C, sphene undergoes into phase transition, from room-temperature phase P21/a to high-temperature phase A2/a. Evidence of that structural phase transition is given in this paper using infrared, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. Rietveld refinement was employed to get the ...Jelena Pantić, Vladimir Urbanovich, Vesna Poharc-Logar, Bojan Jokić, Marija Stojmenović, Aleksandar Kremenović, Branko Matović. "Synthesis and characterization of high-pressure and high-temperature sphene (CaTiSiO5)" in Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-014-0693-x
The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia
For the purpose of the facilities construction within the transfer station „Prelici“ in Cacak, specific geotechnical investigations were carried out based on which the technological project with the facilities schedule was developed. Significant deviations in relation to the presented results were determined during earthworks, so the additional geotechnical investigation works were carried out. Since the new investigation works have determined a different cross section of the terrain, it was proposed to move the planned facilities which led to the ...... area for mechanical treatment of waste, which significantly reduces waste volume before final disposal at the landfill, either by shredding or compaction (Rakic et al, 2011). For municipal practice in Serbia can be said that it is in development, since the harmonization of our legislation with ...
... located below the groundwater level, and basically waste is muddy, expressive black to dark gray colour. It is most likely randomly deposited without compaction, so it is very loose, unconsolidated and with great chances of local rupture occurring in the body due to uneven decomposition of certain components ...
... poor quality primarily due to: heterogeneous composition (both by the participation of individual materials and by their size), insufficient compaction and consolidation. Due to this specific porous structure, the physical and mechanical characteristics of the waste are extremely variable at a ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Jovana Janković, Tina Đurić. "The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia" in 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Proceedings SARDINIA 2019, CISA Publisher (2019)
Phase relations and physical indicators of municipal waste from old landfills in Serbia
Due to certain similarities of municipal waste and soil, usually for the determination of basic parameters of physical state, laboratory and field tests which are common in geotechnical investigations are used. It is often to construct an apparatus for special purpose to perform some specific laboratory and field tests. Therefore, different values of indicators of municipal waste physical state can be found in the literature. The basic reasons should be found in different definitions and methods that researchers use ...municipal waste, moisture content, unit weight, specific gravity, grain size distribution, porosityGeneral Computer Science... is very different because of its different composition, degradation stage 1l.c. waste age, disposal way 1.e. thickness of daily disposal, compaction method during · disposal, height-thickness of landfill i.e. overlay weight, conteni of water or filtrate etc. Therefore, certain assumptions ...
... municipal waste unit weight. Those assumptions are: knowledge of waste composition, percentage of ecarth overlay, moisture, method and degree of compaction, waste age etc. (Rakić et al..2016). Due to similarity of municipal waste and soil, for the determination of unit weighh usually used laboratory ...
... 40 50 60 70 Fig. 7. Specific gravity depending on the content of organic matter. Besides, specific gravity was also determined by laboratory test using completely automated pycnometer AccuPyc 1330 (Figure &). Fig. 8. Automated pycnometer AccuPyc 1330. The pycnometer allows obtaining: the ...Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Jovana M Janković, Tina D Đurić. "Phase relations and physical indicators of municipal waste from old landfills in Serbia" in Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, The Japanese Geotechnical Society (2021). https://doi.org/10.3208/jgssp.v09.cpeg016
Characterization and Environmental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Belgrade City Area (Serbia)
Filip Abramović, Miroslav Popović, Vladimir Simić, Vesna Matović, Radmila Šerović. "Characterization and Environmental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Belgrade City Area (Serbia)" in Materials, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17040820
Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia
Оливера Крунић (2021)Оливера Крунић. "Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia" in Рационално коришћење земљишта и вода у Србији - Sustainable Use of Land and Water in Serbia- Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Scientific Conferences Volume CXCVII; Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Book 19, Српска академија наука и уметности (2021)
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Geochemistry and Petrology, Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Грешка инклинације код депозиционе реманетне магнетизације
Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov (2019)... position of the remanent magnetization vector is determined by the paleo declination and inclination. However, the processes of re-deposition, compaction and cementation of sediments lead to the deviation of the inclinations value from one that the sediments acquired during their formation, the so-called ...
... za računanje faktora elipticiteta neophodna samo depoziciona remanentna magnetizacija uzorka. Reference 1. Anson, G., & Kodama, K., (1987): Compaction-induced inclination shallowing of the postdepositional remanent magnetization in a synthetic sediment Geophysical Journal International 88, 673-692 ...
... experimental results Geophysical Journal International 104, 95-103. 6. Kodama, K., & Sun, W., (1992): Magnetic anisotropy as a correction for compaction-caused palaeomagnetic inclination shallowing Geophysical Journal International 111, 465-469. 7. Kodoma, K., (2009): Simplification of the an ...Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov. "Грешка инклинације код депозиционе реманетне магнетизације" in II Когрес геолога Босне и Херцеговине са међународним учешћем , Удружење геолога у Босни и Херцеговини (2019)
Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass
Stefan Mitrović, Goran Todorović, Bojan Kostić, Milica Mirković-Marjanović, Nikola Božović, Marija Krstić, Aleksandar Erić, Radovan Gospavić, Snežana Ilić, Aleksandar Kijanović (2022)... ANALYSIS OF TEST RESULTS Uniaxial compressive strength was tested on 6 identical samples (1-6). Samples that were exposed to fire (7-12), in order to test uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test, disintegrated after standard fire test and it was not possible to test uniaxial c ...
... samples exposed to standard fire test according to SRPS EN 1363-1, with the intention to test uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test. The aim of this study was to examine the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, before and after standard fire test on the rock mass. The paper presents ...
... exposed to standard fire test according to SRPS EN 1363-1, with the intention to test uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test. For the sandstone rock mass of determined characteristics, for which it is determined uniaxial compressive strength before standard fire test and obtained results ...Stefan Mitrović, Goran Todorović, Bojan Kostić, Milica Mirković-Marjanović, Nikola Božović, Marija Krstić, Aleksandar Erić, Radovan Gospavić, Snežana Ilić, Aleksandar Kijanović. "Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass" in Fifth symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 23-25. 06. 2022, Macedonian Association for Geotechnics (2022)
Cutting Resistance Laboratory Testing Methodology for Underwater Coal Mining
... fail. (a) (b) Figure 14. Modified triaxial test equipment for underwater coal mining cutting resistance testing: (a) modified triaxial test equipment, (b) testing wedge position. 7. Test Results 7.1. Triaxial Compression Test (Triaxial Test) Method The triaxial compressive strength is determined ...
... uniaxial compression test method and the wedge test method. 5.1. Uniaxial Compression Test Method The uniaxial compressive strength, σc [23], has no direct relationship to the cutting resistance required by excavation machines. It is only possible to empirically compare the test results with the values ...
... block-shaped rock material samples (modified wedge test method). The results of the laboratory triaxial test allow empirical comparison with the values already available from experience. Minerals 2021, 11, 564 8 of 17 6.1. Triaxial Compression Test (Triaxial Test) Method The triaxial compressive strength ...Vladimir Čebašek, Veljko Rupar, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić. "Cutting Resistance Laboratory Testing Methodology for Underwater Coal Mining" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11060564
Geofizičko reflektivno sondiranje kao test integriteta betonskog šipa
Jovo Jakišić (2024)Temelj predstavlja izuzetno bitan element svakog građevinskog objekta. Zbog toga je neophodno poštovati odgovarajuće standarde, u projektovanju i izvođenju temeljne konstrukcije.Šipovi predstavljaju jedan od načina dubokog fundiranja tj. temeljenja. Za svaki izvedeni šip pojedinačno neophodno je izvesti kontrolu kvaliteta. Postoji više postupaka kojima je mogućeizvršiti kontrolu kvaliteta, a jedan od njih je test integriteta šipa malom silom, koji je prikazan u ovom radu.Ovaj postupak se izvodi seizmometrijskom metodom, postupkom refleksije, koji je definisan međunarodnim standardom ASTM D5882.Podaci koji su prikazani ...... a integriteta šipova koji se najčešće primenjuju na našim prostorima u današnje vreme. Test statičkim opterećenjem (TSO) spada u grupu najpouzdanijih visokodilatacionih testova nosivosti šipa. Ovaj test se izvodi nanošenjem opterećenja na šip koji je ugrađen u odgovarajuću sredinu uz konstantno ...
... rasterećenja šipa i poslednjeg čitanja eventualnih deformacija test statičkim opterećenjem se smatra završenim. Test dinamičkim opterećenjem (TDO) zasniva se na utvrđivanju statičke nosivosti šipa pri dinamičkom dejstvu. Ovaj test se može izvoditi na dva načina, sopstvenim sistemom za podizanje ...
... savršeno elastična sredina. Test integriteta šipa malom silom detaljnije će biti prikazan u Poglavlju 5 ovog završnog rada. Test integriteta šipa sa sondama zasniva se na prostiranju talasa kroz šip primenom sondi sa razdvojenim predajnikom i prijemnikom. Ovim testom se interaktivno, izmešu cevi ...Jovo Jakišić. Geofizičko reflektivno sondiranje kao test integriteta betonskog šipa, 2024
Review: Methodological approaches and research techniques for addressing construction and remediation problems in karst reservoirs
Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić (2021)Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić. "Review: Methodological approaches and research techniques for addressing construction and remediation problems in karst reservoirs" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02280-1