2402 items
Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels
Irina Zahirovic, Dušan Danilović, Milica Šuput Vranjin, Miloš Tripković. "Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels" in SPE Journal (2023)
Application of Gel for Water Shutoff: A Case Study of Kelebija Oil Field
This paper focuses on the results of water shutoff operations using DSGA polymer gel in the Kelebija oil field. The methodology of candidate wells selection and the manner of performing the operation will also be included. The Kelebija oil field is characterized by a complex reservoir system with heterogeneous layers of different permeability and dual porosity, which led to the early breakthrough of water. For the last 25 years, average water cut was above 90%. Implementation of water shutoff ...intervención de pozos petroleros, reservoir characterization, production control, well logging, downhole intervention, enhanced recovery, complex reservoir, reservoir surveillance, water shut-off, upstream oil & gasIrina Zahirovic, Petar Skrobonja, Dušan Danilović. "Application of Gel for Water Shutoff: A Case Study of Kelebija Oil Field" in SPE Production & Operations, SPE (2022). https://doi.org/10.2118/209590-PA
Integrative GHG Assessment in Oil and Gas Industry
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main targets of national strategies in European countries. As a main contributor to emissions, the energy sector is recognized as the most promising to apply measures and actions aimed to decrease GHG emissions. The Oil and Gas industry as a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions is facing a growing need for estimating, mitigating, and reducing the impact of their operations on the atmosphere to stay competitive in a newly ...... sources and provide a breakdown by activity and by consequently emitted greenhouse gas for a typical onshore oil and gas production and processing facility, including fugitivc emission and flaring. The calculation is based on data specifically derived to represent a typical upstream oil and gas company ...
... typical upstream oil and gas company, with the aim to identify the main sources of emission. It was shown that the major sourcc of emission is gas flaring, while the kecy contributor is uncombusted methane. Index Terms - Energy transition, Greenhouse gas cemissions, Industry, Oil&Gas. Rezime ...
... that ecven with thesc cfforts, somc flaring is still associated with oil production. By utilizing:this specific dataset, the paper aims to providc valuable insights into the ecemissions profile of a common upstream oil and gas company, highlighting the significance of e3 energija, ekonomija, ekologija ...Aleksandar Mirković, Marija Živković, Stevan Đenadić, Darja Lubarda, Chinedu Anyanwa. "Integrative GHG Assessment in Oil and Gas Industry" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija (2023). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE23-1.51M
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... the study of peak of oil and gas (2011), www.peakoil.net Auty, R., 2001. Resource Abundance and Economic Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 356. Ayatollahi S., Bahadori A., Moshfeghian A., (2001). “Method optimises Aghajari oil field gas lift,” Oil and Gas Journal, vol. 99, no. ...
... drilling mud and fracturing wastewater from oil and gas operations, Desalination, 312, 60-66. Becker J.R. (1997). Crude oil waxes, emulsions and asphaltenes. Tulsa, OK, USA, Penn Well Publishing Company. Beggs H., (2008). Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis, Oil & Gas Consultants ...
... injection gas, at the level of gathering stations or compressor stations. For the purpose of oil production optimization, it has applied the system analysis of oil well operations in Gas Lift, which should result in more efficient oil production on the one hand and the increase in oil production ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... the study of peak of oil and gas (2011), www.peakoil.net Auty, R., 2001. Resource Abundance and Economic Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 356. Ayatollahi S., Bahadori A., Moshfeghian A., (2001). “Method optimises Aghajari oil field gas lift,” Oil and Gas Journal, vol. 99, no. ...
... drilling mud and fracturing wastewater from oil and gas operations, Desalination, 312, 60-66. Becker J.R. (1997). Crude oil waxes, emulsions and asphaltenes. Tulsa, OK, USA, Penn Well Publishing Company. Beggs H., (2008). Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis, Oil & Gas Consultants ...
... injection gas, at the level of gathering stations or compressor stations. For the purpose of oil production optimization, it has applied the system analysis of oil well operations in Gas Lift, which should result in more efficient oil production on the one hand and the increase in oil production ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)
Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs
John Nyame (2024)The importance of mitigating the effects of global climate change has necessitated an in-depth exploration of innovative strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Among these strategies, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has emerged as a promising and transformative solution. This master thesis delves into the diverse realm of CCUS processes, aiming to unravel the positives challenges, and opportunities within this dynamic field. The analysis begins with a systematic examination of carbon capture technologies, encompassing post-combustion, pre-combustion, and oxy-fuel combustion ...... or fully depleted oil and gas fields as carbon storage sites over others are the abundance of data and know-how acquired over the field cycle [81]. Computer models have been developed in the oil and gas industry to predict the movement and trapping of hydrocarbons and wells and equipment that have ...
... Cmap rOSCK Figure 4.4 Saline aquifer 4.2. Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery The enhanced oil/gas recovery CO» technique involves injecting carbon dioxide into oil and gas reservoirs for the purpose of enhancing oil recovery after depletion and a water flooding period, thus initiating miscibility effects ...
... could lead to greater production of oil or natural gas through enhanced oil recovery. Once the oil and natural gas reaches the surface, a permeable and porous volume gap is available and can be readily filled with CO>». For depleted reservoirs especially gas fields are desired for CO- storage ...John Nyame. Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs, 2024
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022)
Gas-lift wells optimization at the oil field "K"
Dušan Danilović, Marija Ilić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Lola Tomić. "Gas-lift wells optimization at the oil field "K"" in Podzemni radovi, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2241031D
Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia
Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić (2016)There is a range of modern approaches and models in literature for the evaluation and determination of energy security, which are based on different parameters and indicators. For most of them, a common characteristic is emphasizing the avail ability of energy, as an important dimension for ensuring energy security. In this paper, concise overview of Serbian energy sectors is given and appropriate energy indicators are defined and determined. Selected indicators provide insight into the main components that characterize availability ...... on imported oil and natural gas, this indicator is very important because it shows the ability of the country to maintain strategic stocks of critical fuels – oil [12] and natural gas [13]. 2 Oil stockSOS (Oil) 0.086 (8,6%) Oil consumption = = (2) 2 Natural gas stockSOS (Natural gas) 0.2227 (22 ...
... 2(O+NG) Estimated oil and NG resourcesSS 29.6 years Oil and NG consumption per year = = (10) Except in the case of coal, it is evident that Serbian SS is very low and additional activities in oil and gas exploration should be undertaken. Diversification Diversity index provides more information ...
... current state and perspectives of energy security in Serbia. The import dependence of Serbia is 28%. It is not large in number, but it is very no- ticeable in imports of oil and natural gas, especially if currently estimated remaining reserves (8.3 years for oil, 7 years for natural gas) and resources ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić. "Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI160923303P
The oil industry and climate changes
Dejan Radivojević (2020)Uprkos tome što je problem klimatskih promena poznat dugi niz godina i dalje veliki broj ljudi poistovećuje pojam vremenskih prilika sa klimom ne uzimajući u obzir različitu dužinu njihovog trajanja. U medijima se vrlo često mogu naći katastrofična predviđanja vezana za zagrevanje naše planete usled neodgovornog ponašanja čoveka. Sa druge strane geolozi znaju da je tokom geološke prošlosti naše planete bilo mnogo toplijih intervala od današnjih kao i da ti intervali nisu neminovno rezultovali masovnim izumiranjem živog sveta već su ...... sustainable development by reconstructing of Pančevo Refinery and starting two energy projects - the construction of the combined gas-steam power plant Pančevo and the Plandište wind farm. Key words: weather conditions, climate, oil companies, strategies, Serbia https://link.springer.com/jo ...
... (Qatar Petroleum, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, INOC - Iraq National Oil Company, ADNOC - Abu Dhabi National Oil Co- mpany, NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company). Pre- ma poslednjim istraživanjima najveći distributer gasova staklene bašte na svetu je kompanija Saudi Aramco [9]. Iako je u poslednje ...
... Измењено: 2023-10-14 04:21:53 The oil industry and climate changes Dejan Radivojević Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] The oil industry and climate changes | Dejan Radivojević | Tehnika – rudarstvo, geologija i m ...Dejan Radivojević. "The oil industry and climate changes" in Tehnika – rudarstvo, geologija i metalurgija, Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd (2020). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2001031R
The state and perspective of the natural gas sector in Serbia
The strategy of long-term energy development of Serbia identifies an increase of share of natural gas in final energy consumption as one of the main aims. Serbia has signed a strategic agreement with the Russian Federation on cooperation in the oil and gas sector, within which the project South Stream pipeline is planned to be realized. In addition, the Republic of Serbia has signed the Treaty that establishes the Energy Community and accepted the obligation to implement the Energy ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dušan Danilović, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miloš Tanasijević. "The state and perspective of the natural gas sector in Serbia" in Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (2016). https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567249.2013.858796
Design of a sucker rod pumping system
Ana Ponoćko (2024)For a long time in the history of oil production, sucker rod pumps have been the first and in many cases the only choice when it comes to mechanical extraction methods. Proper selection of each individual element of the system enables optimization, which entails benefits in the form of increased efficiency and reduced costs. The first part of the paper presents the underground and surface equipment of the rod pump and describes the operation of the entire system. The ...... prevent gas influx into the pump and to improve its volumetric efficiency, downhole separators or gas anchors are used in practice. When there is 22 no free gas in the pump, the volumetric efficiency is a function of the formation volume factor, the oil formation volume factor Bo (m*/m*), and the ...
... regulated by a choke valve, which allows gas to enter the oil pipeline but prevents the backflow of oil and water into the annular space between the casing and tubing. This ensures that the pressure in the casing is slightly higher than the pressure in the oil pipeline. The short connection should ...
... qoBo+qwBw — qo - oil production, (m*/m*) — qw- water production, (m?/m?) If all the gas passes through the pump, the volumetric efficiency increases with the increase in inlet pressure until the saturation pressure is reached. At this point, all the gas is dissolved in the oil, and the volumetric ...Ana Ponoćko. Design of a sucker rod pumping system, 2024
Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science 9 no. 1, Beograd:Institute for Research and Design in Commerce and Industry (2011): 237-242
Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic
Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković (2020)Artificial lift methods have applications in oil wells where oil production is no longer possible due to natural reservoir energy, so this necessary energy is added by introducing lift methods. In order to achieve optimum production, the selection of an artificial lift method is very important. This paper uses fuzzy logic as a mathematical and conceptual model for selection of the optimal artificial lift method. The outcome or IF-THEN rules, as the central part of the model, is based ...... Kostić, A. Ležišta i istraživanje nafte i gasa [Deposits and exploration of oil and gas]. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-Geološki Fakultet: Beograd, Serbia, 2015; p. 260. 20. Teodorovic, D.; Vukadinovic, K. Traffic Control and Transport Planning: A Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks Approach. Int. Ser. Intell ...
... Selection for Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil and Gas Wells: A Critical Review. Int. J. Phys. Sci. 2012, 7, 4049–4060. [CrossRef] 6. Neely, B.; Gipson, F.; Clegg, J.; Capps, B.; Wilson, P. Selection of Artificial Lift Method. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition; Society of Petroleum Engineers: ...
... Production operating problem parameters (C), which are: (C1) corrosion, (C2) solid particles, (C3) gas oil ratio—GOR, (C4) paraffin, and (C5) water cut. Figure 1 shows the conceptual model of an expert system for optimized selection of an artificial lift method evaluation on the base of fuzzy interferences ...Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković. "Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic" in Energies, MDPI AG (2020)
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022)
Effect of Properties of Working Fluids on the Efficiency of a Low-Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle
Decarbonization of all segments of energy systems, both on the supply and demand side, is one of the main goals of the energy transition. Electricity supply in the future will largely rely on generation from intermittent energy sources: wind and solar. Locally available, non-utilized alternative low-temperature energy sources as hydro-geothermal wells, and abounded oil and gas wells, have the potential to provide continual energy production over the year. Electricity generation from these energy sources is carried out with working ...Marija Živković, Aleksandar Mijatović, Dejan Ivezić, Boban Pavlović. "Effect of Properties of Working Fluids on the Efficiency of a Low-Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle" in The 21st International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Niš, Serbia, October 2024, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš (2024)
Development and evaluation of fracture gradient curve model: a case study of south-central Kazakhstan
An accurate fracture gradient value is one of the most important issues in oil and gas well design and drilling. The value of a fracture gradient is a critical parameter for determining the drilling mud weight and selecting the proper depths for setting the casing in the planning process of drilling operations. This paper proposed the new curve model of fracture gradient for the south-central Kazakhstan (central Asia) region based on the analysis of leak-off test and format integrity ...Branimir Stanisavljevic, Vesna Karovic Maricic, Irena Isakov. "Development and evaluation of fracture gradient curve model: a case study of south-central Kazakhstan" in International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Inderscience Publishers (2022). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2023.128042
Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention
Gas wells, particularly those situated onshore, play a vital role in the global energy sector by supplying a significant portion of natural gas. However, operational challenges, notably gas hydrate formation, pose substantial issues, leading to complications such as flowline blockages and unexpected well shutdowns. Gas hydrates, crystalline structures resembling ice, ...Gas Well, Gas Hydrate Formation, Well Modeling, Well Performance Optimization, Choke Position Adjustments, Methanol InjectionMilica Ješić, Bojan Martinović, Stefan Stančić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Dušan Danilović. "Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention" in Underground Mining Engineering, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023)
Application of the PROMETHEE and VIKOR methods for selecting the most suitable carbon dioxide geological storage option
CO2 storage in geological formations is one of the leading solutions for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Types of geological formations that can be used for CO2 storage, that are discussed in this paper are: depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers and injection CO2 in partially depleted oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery (EOR–CO2 method). In order to select the most suitable geological storage of CO2, the ranking of these storage options was performed using two methods of ...Lola Tomić, Vesna Karović Maričić, Dušan Danilović, Branko Leković, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Application of the PROMETHEE and VIKOR methods for selecting the most suitable carbon dioxide geological storage option" in Underground Mining Engineering, Belgrade : University Of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019)
Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
This paper presents the first data on the organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the East Herzegovina region of the External Dinarides. Representative, organic-rich samples from outcropping sedimentary rocks of different ages in the area (Triassic to Neogene) were selected and analysed. The organic matter was studied by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and under the microscope in reflected non-polarized light and incident blue light. The results obtained show the presence of different types of organic ...... indices, and kinetics of oil and gas generation. AAPG Bulletin, 71: 1445-1466. Tissot, B. PR & Welte, D. H., 1978. Petroleum Formation and Occurrence: A New Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 538 pp. Van Gijzel, P., 1981. Characterization and identification of kerogen and bitumen ...
... maturation indices, and kinetics of oil and gas generation. AAPG Bulletin, 71: 1445–1466. Tissot, B. P. & Welte, D. H., 1978. Petroleum Formation and Occurrence: A New Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 538 pp. Van Gijzel, P., 1981. Characterization and identi�cation of ...
... environment and hydrocarbon source po- tential of the Lower Miocene oil shale deposit in the Aleksinac Basin (Serbia). Organic Geochemistry, 115: 93-112. Behar, EF, Beaumont, V., & De B. Penteado, H.L., 2001. Rock-Eval 6 Technology: Performances and developments. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - ...Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić, Miloš Radonjić. "Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2021). https://doi.org/10.14241/asgp.2021.16