Sensitivity analysis is the study of changes in system response with respect to design parameters. It is being used in a variety of engineering disciplines ranging from automatic control theory to the analysis of large-scale physiological systems. Some of areas where sensitivity analysis has been applied include: development of insensitive control systems, use in gradient based mathematical programming methods and approximation of system response to change in a system parameter, assessment of design changes on system performance. Eigensensitivity analysis ...
Nataša Trišović, Wei Li, Nikola Mladenović, Olivera Jeremić, Ines Grozdanović, Ana Petrović. "Eigensensitivity and structural optimization with accent on the repeated frequencies" in 6 th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Mountain Tara, Serbia, June 19-21, 2017, Srpsko društvo za mehaniku (2017) М33