Metamorphites of the series “Vranjska banja” built predominantly of high crystallinity schist series, alternately layered double mica, gneiss, leptonite and micaschist. For the construction of the “Prvonek” dam were carried out laboratory investigations of dynamic and static elastic properties on micashist and gneiss samples in the perpendicular and parallel direction to the foliation. These investigations provided monitoring of the rock mass anisotropy properties and greater reliability of the design parameteres. As the design of mining and construction facilities becomes ...
Jelena Majstorović, Bojan Dimitrijević, Suzana Lutovac, Snežana Savković, Miloš Gligorić. "Dynamic and Static Elastic Properties - Laboratory Investigations of Metamorphites of the "Vranjska Banja" Series" in XVI International Conference of the Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy (2021) М33