247 items
A methodology for assessing the pressures on transboundary groundwater quantity and quality – experiences from the Dinaric karst
Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović (2020)A relatively novel and abridged methodology for assessing the quantity and quality status of groundwater bodies has been applied in the Dinaric karst of SE Europe. Validation of pressure on quantity is based on groundwater budgeting and the correlation of available groundwater reserves and projected water demands, while pressure on quality is estimated by GIS-created maps: vulnerability – hazard – risk. The results obtained from the studied groundwater bodies indicate mostly low pressure on water quantity, but increased risk from diffuse and point pollution sources. ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović. "A methodology for assessing the pressures on transboundary groundwater quantity and quality – experiences from the Dinaric karst" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.08
Climate change and their imapct on karst groundwater
Milan Đelić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2021)In the last 30 years, there have been progressively more dry and rainy years, a reduced presence or even absence of snow cover, an increase in air temperature, large-scale fires, intensified glacier melting, and the like. Climate change certainly has an effect on all areas of economic activity, but its largest impact is on water resources and existing ecosystems. One of the most important water resources is groundwater, on account of which more than 70% of the population of ...Milan Đelić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac . "Climate change and their imapct on karst groundwater" in Book of proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on vircular and bioeconomy CIBEK2021, Belgrade, Belgrade : School of Engineering Management (2021)
The impact of temporal variability of groundwater levels on groundwater vulnerability maps in karst terrains – a case example of the Perućac spring catchment area
Groundwater vulnerability maps represent an essential tool for protecting karst groundwater resources. Vulnerability assessment is usually based on spatial evaluation of various parameters that affect the vulnerability degree and regulate the protection role of the unsaturated zone. Most of these parameters, like soil and geology conditions, are constant and do not change during the year or over several years. In contrast, some parameters, such as the groundwater level, depend on the variability of recharge conditions. By considering the variability ...Vladimir Živanović, Igor Jemcov, Nebojša Atanacković. "The impact of temporal variability of groundwater levels on groundwater vulnerability maps in karst terrains – a case example of the Perućac spring catchment area" in 5th IAH CEG conference, Slovenian Committee of International Association of Hydrogeologists - SKIAH (2022)
Validation of vulnerability assessment by means of the Time Dependent, Model: case study from the Slovenian karst catchment
Groundwater vulnerability assessment methods are continuously being developed and existing methods are very often modified to provide better simulation of natural protection conditions and more objective results. Most frequently used methods are based on calculation of predefined parameters influencing water infiltration and underground flow, which can often lead to bias conclusions related to vulnerability evaluations. Some other methods, like the Time Dependent Model (TDM) are based on an approach, where parametrization is obtained at the final stage of the ...Ocena ranjivosti podzemnih voda, karstne podzemne vode, TDM metoda, delineacija sanitarnih zona, Slovenački karstVladimir Živanović, Nataša Ravbar, Igor Jemcov. "Validation of vulnerability assessment by means of the Time Dependent, Model: case study from the Slovenian karst catchment" in Proceedings of IAH2019, the 46th Annual Congress of the International Associaton of Hydrogeologists, Málaga (Spain), September 22-27, 2019, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) (2019)
Режим изданских вода карстног платоа Бабине (ЈЗ Србија, Пријепоље)
Бранислав Петровић, Вељко Мариновић, Зоран Стевановић, Саша Милановић, Љиљана Васић. "Режим изданских вода карстног платоа Бабине (ЈЗ Србија, Пријепоље)" in I скуп Одељења за математику, физику и гео-науке, 27.2.2021. , Београд : САНУ, Посебна издања Књ. DCXCVIII, Одељење за математику, физику и гео-науке (2021)
Хидрогеолошки потенцијал карстних масива Озрена и Девице
Саша Стојадиновић, Михаило Шевић, Јаков Андријашевић. "Хидрогеолошки потенцијал карстних масива Озрена и Девице" in XVII Конгрес геолога Србије (Зборник радова XVII српског геолошког конгреса), Врњачка Бања, 17-20.05.2018., Српско геолошко друштво, Београд, Србија (2018)
Stochastic Prediction of Temporal Variations of Karst Groundwater Regime in Function of Sustainable Management: Case Study Mokra Karst Spring (SE Serbia)
Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović (2021)Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Stochastic Prediction of Temporal Variations of Karst Groundwater Regime in Function of Sustainable Management: Case Study Mokra Karst Spring (SE Serbia)" in Karst: From Top to Bottom, Belgrade, 6.6.2021., Belgrade : Centre for Karst Hydrogeology (2021)
Analiza uslova zaštite užičkih vrela primenom TDM metode za ocenu ranjivosti podzemnih voda
Vladimir Živanović, Slavko Špadijer (2024)Definisanje uslova zaštite podzemnih voda u karstnim terenima predstavlja kompleksan i multidisciplinaran zadatak koji zahteva upotrebu savremenih hidrogeoloških metoda. Metode za ocenu ranjivosti podzemnih voda kod kojih se ranjivost definiše na bazi vremena kretanja podzemnih voda mogu značajno da pomognu u delineaciji sanitarnih zona. Primenom ovih metoda se detaljno analiza zaštitna uloga nadizdanske zone tako se preventivne mere mogu usmeriti ka područjima gde su podzemne vode najranjivije i gde najlakše može doći do kontaminacije. Metode za ocenu ranjivosti podzemnih ...uslovi zaštite podzemnih voda, TDM metoda, ranjivost izvorišta podzemnih voda, karstna izdan, užička vrelaVladimir Živanović, Slavko Špadijer. "Analiza uslova zaštite užičkih vrela primenom TDM metode za ocenu ranjivosti podzemnih voda" in XVII Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem , Pirot, Srbija 02-06. oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739864
Groundwater vulnerability assessment as a tool for understanding karst flow systems and prediction of spring yield - case example of a karst spring in Western Serbia
Modelling approaches in karst hydrogeology imply a high degree of schematization, uncertainty and subjectivity due to the specific nature of karst systems. The need to protect groundwater, especially in karst, has resulted in increasing application of methods for assessing groundwater vulnerability. Vulnerability methods specially developed for karst could assess filtration conditions, anisotropy, specific infiltration, and temporal variability, enabling better characterization and understanding of the karst systems. A recently developed method is the Time Dependent Model (TDM method), where vulnerability ...Vladimir Živanović, Nebojša Atanacković, Slavko Špadijer. "Groundwater vulnerability assessment as a tool for understanding karst flow systems and prediction of spring yield - case example of a karst spring in Western Serbia" in IAH 2024 World Groundwater Congress - Interacting Groundwater, Davos, Švajcarska, 08-13.09.2024, Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN), UNINE (2024)
Дефинисање хидрауличког механизма истицања карстних подземних вода применом биваријантне анализе временских серија
Вељко Мариновић (2022)Bivariate analysis was applied within the cross-correlation in time and the gain function as part of the cross-spectral function in the frequency domain, to the time series of precipitation and discharge of the Oko Bijela and Bosna karst springs in the period 2015-2020. Bivariate analysis showed a very fast reaction of the Oko Bijela spring and a reaction delay at the Bosna spring, which indicate a very weak amortization of the input signal within the Oko Bijela system and ...Вељко Мариновић. "Дефинисање хидрауличког механизма истицања карстних подземних вода применом биваријантне анализе временских серија" in Мултидисциплинарна конференција “Kарст 2022 - Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту", Српска академија наука и уметности (2022)
Preliminary analysis of Krupaja Spring discharge (Еastern Serbia)
Jovana Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Saša Milanović, Zoran Stevanović, Ljiljana Vasić. "Preliminary analysis of Krupaja Spring discharge (Еastern Serbia)" in National Conference with international participation “Geosciences 2020”, Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, vol. 81, part 3, Sofia : Bulgarian geological society (2020)
CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change
The new GIS-based CC-PESTO method is shown to successfully assess and map the vulnerability/resilience of karst aquifers to effects of climate change. Karst aquifers were chosen due to their importance at the global level and widespread utilisation in potable water supply and irrigation, but also because of their hydrogeological complexity. The method was developed to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, without considering the direct impact of variable climate factors, but considering the adaptive capacity of aquifers in response ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Jelena Krstajić. "CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02251-6
Karst wastewater as a high quality, renewable and within the circular economy water resource
Jovana Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2021)High quality drinking water in it’s natural state is becoming less and less available to the human population. Based on the expected climate changes, it is considered that this resource will be less in the world but also in our region. Also, the accompanying polluting components that exceed the maximum allowable concentration are increasingly present in the waters. Even after the water treatment, it happens that some components are still in the drinking water, which adversely affects human health. ...Jovana Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Karst wastewater as a high quality, renewable and within the circular economy water resource" in Book of proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on vircular and bioeconomy CIBEK2021, Belgrade, Belgrade : School of Engineering Management (2021)
Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)
Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin (2018)Water resources in karst are extremely important sources of drinking water supply. The quality of groundwater formed in karst aquifers is generally high and in most cases only chlorination is required. However, from a hydrogeological perspective, these water resources are the least studied. Often only basic information is available on catchment size, groundwater reserves (dynamic and static, if any) and groundwater balance. Detailed hydrogeological investigations and long-term monitoring of karst spring discharges are needed to acquire such information. In ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin. "Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)" in National Conference with international participation “Geosciences 2018”, Bulgarian Geological Sciety (2018)
Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans
Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović (2019)As a result of the fact that karstified rocks can accumulate large amounts of high-quality groundwater, karst aquifer is considered, throughout the world, one of the most important types of aquifers. Due to their high permeability, but also vulnerability to pollution, these precious groundwater resources need to be properly evaluated and protected. Taking into account heterogeneity and complexity of the karst environment, it is difficult to propose a uniform algorithm for managing karst groundwater, which causes the necessity to ...Upravljanje karstnim podzemnim vodama, Pritisci na kvantitet voda, Plan upravljanja vodnim resursima, Bosna i Hercegovina, SrbijaVeljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8364-3
Uticaj zemljišta i epikarsta na kvalitet podzemnih voda karstne izdani na primeru karstne izdani Suve planine
Kroz zemljište migriraju i cirkulišu različite supstance u obliku pravih i koloidnih rastvora, a u njemu se odvija i mnoštvo hemijskih reakcija. Kao rezultat kretanja supstanci i biološke aktivnosti organizama u zemljištu se formiraju slojevi određenih fizičko-hemijskih i bioloških osobina. Na taj način u zemljištu se odvija prvi korak u promeni sastava infiltrirane površinske vode i njen postepen prelaz u podzemnu vodu.Rastvaranje krečnjaka je već u površinskim delovima krečnjaka – epikarstu veoma intenzivno, što podaci prikupljeni sa lokacije pećine Peč, ...Branislav Petrović, Živojin Smiljković, Veljko Marinović. "Uticaj zemljišta i epikarsta na kvalitet podzemnih voda karstne izdani na primeru karstne izdani Suve planine" in Zbornik radova XVII srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739367
Regionalna karakterizacija karstnih podzemnih voda dela centralnog Balkana u funkciji njihovog održivog korišćenja i menadžmenta
Veljko J. Marinović (2022)Karstne podzemne vode koristi oko 700 miliona ljudi na svetu, čime je njihov značaj za svetsko stanovništvo nemerljiv. U sklopu doktorske disertacije vršena su istraživanja i analize karstnih sistema dela centralnog Balkana (Srbije, Crne Gore i Savskog sliva Bosne i Hercegovine), kako bi se evaluirao ovaj dragoceni resurs. Analize su vršene na primerima karstnih sistema vrela Perućac, Seljašnica, Mokra i Mlava (Srbija), Oko Bijele i Rijeka Crnojevića (Crna Gora) i vrelo Bosne (Bosna i Hercegovina), kao i na regionalnom ...karstni sistem, podzemna voda, pritisci na kvantitet i kvalitet, menadžment podzemnih vodnih resursaVeljko J. Marinović. Regionalna karakterizacija karstnih podzemnih voda dela centralnog Balkana u funkciji njihovog održivog korišćenja i menadžmenta, Beograd : [V. Marinović], 2022
Hazardous substances in karst aquifer waters - one of the results of the operational monitoring of groundwater in Serbia
У циљу оцене стања животне средине и разумевања потенцијалних узрока још раније евидентираног лошег хемијског статуса водног тела подземних вода „Крш–север“, извршенa je хидрогеолошка проспекција шире околине лежишта бакра Мајданпек, која је укључилаистраживање површинског копа, флотационог језера и главних карстних врела и пећина. Имајући у виду да се експлоатационо поље рудника бакра Мајданпек директно граничи са карстном издани и водним телом подземних вода „Крш–север“, параметри квалитета подземне воде су анализирани (in situ и лабораторијски) на два главна карстна врела ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Hazardous substances in karst aquifer waters - one of the results of the operational monitoring of groundwater in Serbia" in Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201107010S
Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)
The transboundary Cijevna River Basin shared between Albania and Montenegro has a surface area of 650 km2. It is extremely important for water management, especially in the country of Montenegro which is downstream. Due to the high permeability of both the karst and intergranular aquifers that exist in the basin, the River Cijevna sinks along the length of its riverbed and in summer months it usually dries up completely at the confluence section. Hydrometry surveys undertaken during a drought ...Upravljanje međugraničnim vodama, ranjivost podzemnih voda, monitoring mreža, karstne izdani, Albanija, Crna GoraMomčilo Blagojević, Zoran Stevanović, Milan Radulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-8809-8
Vulnerability Assessment as a Basis for Sanitary Zone Delineation of Karst Groundwater Sources—Blederija Spring Case Study
Примена метода рањивости подземних вода има велики значај код делинеације зона санитарне заштите карстних изворишта. Процена рањивости изворишта карстних подземних вода углавном је била базирана на Европском приступу (COST пројекат 620), који укључује анализу фактора К, који се односи на кретање подземне воде кроз засићену зону карстног система. У раду су примењене две методе за процену рањивости подземних вода - COP+K и TDM метода, како би се израдила најпогоднија карта рањивости изворишта која се може трансформисати у карту зона ...заштита изворишта карстних подземних вода, делинеација санитарних зона, COP+K метода, TDM метода, извориште подземних вода БледеријаVladimir Živanović, Nebojša Atanacković, Saša Stojadinović. "Vulnerability Assessment as a Basis for Sanitary Zone Delineation of Karst Groundwater Sources—Blederija Spring Case Study" in Water, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/w13192775