104 items
Eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje
U radu su analizirani eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje. Period analize je prvih šest meseci tekuće godine. Analiza je vršena sa aspekta ostvarene proizvodnje, kvaliteta uglja, efektivnog vremena rada, kapacitetnog i vremenskog iskoršćenja i zastoja sistema. Za poređenje podataka različitih parametara koji po svojoj prirodi nisu međusobno uporedivi, u radu su korišćene metode višekriterijumskog odlučivanja.Marko Lazić, Filip Miletić, Milena Lekić, Veljko Rupar, Željko Petrović, Lazar Žujović . "Eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje" in 10th International Conference Coal 2021, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju, Zlatibor (2021) М33
Development of Integrated Fuzzy Model for Mine Management Optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)Technoeconomic, environmental and safety criteria generally affect the management of metallic and non-metallic mining operations. The first basic question that needs to be addressed when planning ore mining is which methods are adequate and what is the optimal mining technology? Due to the complex geologic framework of ore deposits, geological exploration has rendered synonymous the inherent uncertainties, vagueness, and inaccuracies. As a result, subjective evaluation by engineers and expert experience have become increasingly important. Given that the natural language ...Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of Integrated Fuzzy Model for Mine Management Optimization" in Comptes rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2023). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2023.09.12 М23
Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a supporting tool which is widely spread in different areas of science and industry. Many researchers have confirmed that MCDM methods can be useful for selecting the best solution in many different problems. In this paper, two novel methods are presented and applied on existing decision-making processes in the mining industry. The first method is multiple criteria ranking by alternative trace (MCRAT) and the second is ranking alternatives by perimeter similarity (RAPS). These ...Katarina Urošević, Zoran Gligorić, Igor MIljanović, Čedomir Beljić, Miloš Gligorić. "Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry" in Mathematics, MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/math9161980 М21а
Criteria for decision - making for best reclamation solution
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Branko Gluščević. "Criteria for decision - making for best reclamation solution" in Underground mining engineering (2024) М51
Novel Hybrid MPSI–MARA Decision-Making Model for Support System Selection in an Underground Mine
objektivne težine kriterijuma, MPSI metoda, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, MARA metoda, izbor sistema podgrade, podzemna eksploatacijaMiloš Gligorić, Zoran Gligorić, Suzana Lutovac, Milanka Negovanović, Zlatko Langović. "Novel Hybrid MPSI–MARA Decision-Making Model for Support System Selection in an Underground Mine" in Systems, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/systems10060248 М21
Model of Strategic Decision Making in Mining Industry Based on Fuzzy Dynamic TOPSIS Method
Gligorić Miloš, Gligorić Zoran (2015)Gligorić Miloš, Gligorić Zoran. "Model of Strategic Decision Making in Mining Industry Based on Fuzzy Dynamic TOPSIS Method" in Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 2 no. 3, Berlin : (2015): 470-475 M24
Simulation Model – Support to Investment Decision-Making in the Coal Industry
Gligorić Zoran, Beljić Čedomir, Čokorilo Vojin, Dragosavljević Zlatko. "Simulation Model – Support to Investment Decision-Making in the Coal Industry" in Thermal Science 14 no. 4, Beograd:Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia (2010): 835-844 M22
Coal production in Serbia, the social aspects and making strategic decision support
Beljić Čedomir, Ristović Ivica, Gligorić Zoran, Gluščević Branko, Tomašević Aleksandra. "Coal production in Serbia, the social aspects and making strategic decision support" in 3rd International Conference Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies EMoNT 2013, Vrnjačka Banja : (2013): 107-111 M33
Procedural decision making Algoritam in selection of reclamation solutions
Димитријевић Бојан, Мајсторовић Јелена, Јанковић Иван, Чебашек Владимир. "Procedural decision making Algoritam in selection of reclamation solutions" in Proceedings of the XIV International conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Varna, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy Bulgaria, Sofia (2017): 240-243 M33
Application of multi-criteria decision-making model for choice of the optimal solution for meeting heat demand in the centralized supply system in Belgrade
Grujić Miodrag, Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija. "Application of multi-criteria decision-making model for choice of the optimal solution for meeting heat demand in the centralized supply system in Belgrade" in Energy 67, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2014): 341-350. https://doi.org/10.1080/15567240903330434 M21
Fuzzy model of a multigrade structure for support of decision-making and management in mineral processing
Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Benović Tomo, Milutinović Aleksandar, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena (2011)Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Benović Tomo, Milutinović Aleksandar, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena. "Fuzzy model of a multigrade structure for support of decision-making and management in mineral processing" in Proceedings of the 35th APCOM Symposium, Wollongong, Australia - no. -, Wollongong, Australia:University of Wollongong, Australia (2011): 485-490. https://doi.org/- M33
Application of multiple-criteria decision making analysis in mine development planning
Sanja Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of multiple-criteria decision making analysis in mine development planning" in Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium “Mining and Environmental Protection - MEP 2021“, Soko banja, Serbia, September 22 - 25 2021, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2021) М33
Decision making process in the selection recultivation open pit mine and landfils
Димитријевић Бојан, Чебашек Владимир, Илић Саша, Мајсторовић Јелена, Јанковић Иван. "Decision making process in the selection recultivation open pit mine and landfils" in Proceedings of the VI International symposium on mining and environmental protection, Vrdnik, Serbia:University of Belgrade, Faculty of mining and geology, Belgrade Center for Environmental engneering, Mining Department, Belgrade, Serbia (2017): 211-213 M33
The preliminary selection of oil reservoir in Serbia for carbon dioxide injection and storage by a multicriteria decision-making approach: a case study
Lola Tomić, Vesna Karović Maričić, Dušan Danilović. "The preliminary selection of oil reservoir in Serbia for carbon dioxide injection and storage by a multicriteria decision-making approach: a case study" in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2021.1936303 М23
Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making in Mine Development Planning
Sanja Bajić (2023)The Borska Reka ore deposit is an experimental location where developed methodologies have been applied. It is the largest ore body within the Bor mining complex, which has been the subject of numerous studies and analyses for more than three decades. The paper focuses on the application of FAHP and the VIKOR method to address ranking of alternatives and select the optimal mining method by means of fuzzy multicriteria optimization.Sanja Bajić. "Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making in Mine Development Planning" in Proceedings of the 5th International Underground Excavations Symposium, 5-6-7 June 2023, Istanbul, Topkapi : Dinç Ofset Mat. Rek. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (2023) М33
A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of the Most Suitable Land Reclamation Variant at Open-Pit Coal Mines
Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Željko Stević, Mohamed Kchaou, Faris Alqurashi, Marko Subotić (2024)рекултивацаиона решења, површинска експлоатација лежишта минералних сировина, животна средина, IMF SWARA, фази ROVBojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Željko Stević, Mohamed Kchaou, Faris Alqurashi, Marko Subotić. "A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of the Most Suitable Land Reclamation Variant at Open-Pit Coal Mines" in Sustainability, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16114424 М22
Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection
metode podzemne eksploatacije, znanje eksperta, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, podzemna eksploatacijaSanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection" in Symmetry (MDPI) (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12020192 М22
Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova
Zoran M. Štirbanović (2015-07-01)Rudarstvo, a u okviru njega i priprema mineralnih sirovina, se odlikuje složenošću tehnoloških procesa što je posledica velikog broja uticajnih parametara. Samim tim je potrebno biti veoma obazriv prilikom donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva. U cilju što efikasnijeg funkcionisanja procesa, moguće je primeniti različite metode koje služe za pojednostavljenje procesa odlučivanja. Jedna od takvih metoda jeste i teorija grubih skupova. Ona predstavlja relativno novu matematičku teoriju koja je pogodna za razumevanje nepreciznih i nepotpunih podataka kao i za otkrivanje ...rudarstvo, priprema mineralnih sirovina, teorija grubih skupova, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, flotacijsko jalovište, flotacijski kolektor, flotaciona mašinaZoran M. Štirbanović. "Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-01)
Concept od predictive hydrodynamic calculations: An overview of the case studies from Serbia
Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić (2019)groundwater management, hydrodynamic model, multiple-criteria decision making, open cast mine, groundwater source.0Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić. "Concept od predictive hydrodynamic calculations: An overview of the case studies from Serbia" in National Conference with international participation “Geosciences 2019”, Bulgaria, 2019, Sofia : Bulgarian Geological Society (2019) М34
Одлучивање у случају диферентности пројектних рудничких решења упоредним једно и вишекритеријумским моделовањем
Жељко Праштало (2024)Рударски системи поседују читав низ својстава која их, на одређени начин, препоручују за примену савремених метода из домена операционих истраживања и системског инжењерства. У контексту одлучивања у рударству се, у светлу примене различитих метода као помоћних алата у процесу одлучивања, поставља питање квалитета решења. Експертско знање и расположивост и применљивост, као и познавање аналитичких алата представља једну димензију, док питање доношења одлуке у ситуацији диферентних решења представља другу. Која средства су доносиоцу одлука на располагању у таквој ситуацији, како ...оптимизација, линеарни локацијски модел, линеарно програмирање, вишекритеријумска анализа, експлоатација и потрошња кречњака, PROMETHEEЖељко Праштало. Одлучивање у случају диферентности пројектних рудничких решења упоредним једно и вишекритеријумским моделовањем, Београд : [Ж. Праштало], 2024 M70