31 items
Design of a sucker rod pumping system
Ana Ponoćko (2024)For a long time in the history of oil production, sucker rod pumps have been the first and in many cases the only choice when it comes to mechanical extraction methods. Proper selection of each individual element of the system enables optimization, which entails benefits in the form of increased efficiency and reduced costs. The first part of the paper presents the underground and surface equipment of the rod pump and describes the operation of the entire system. The ...Ana Ponoćko. Design of a sucker rod pumping system, 2024
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022) М23
Optimal artificial lift methods for small oil field production
Anastasija Mirjanić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Dušan Danilović, Marija Ilić, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Lola Tomić (2024)mehaničke metode eksploatacije, električna centrifugalna pumpadubinska pumpa na klipnim šipkama, sistem analizaAnastasija Mirjanić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Dušan Danilović, Marija Ilić, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Lola Tomić. "Optimal artificial lift methods for small oil field production" in Underground mining engineering, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024) М51
Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency
Traditional sucker rod pumps (SRP) use a single traveling valve, but recent double traveling valve innovations have improved SRP performance and efficiency in field applications with double traveling valves installed in pumps with top mechanical seating. The valves sealed better and produced similar fluid volumes compared with the previous single-valve pumps. They also enabled a reduction in pump diameter and optimized usage of surface equipment. Overall, the double travel valve SRPs produced stable production rates and annual production targets.Miloš Petrović, Bojan Martinović, Milica Ješić, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2023) М23
Избор одговарајуће механичке методе
Анастасија Мирјанић (2024)Експлоатација нафте и гаса кључна је за задовољење глобалних енергетских потреба. Различите методе се користе за ефикасно вађење тих природних ресурса из земљe. Механичке методе експлоатације, које укључују различите врсте пумпи и компресора, играју значајну улогу у овом процесу. У нафтној индустрији, ефикасно вађење нафте и гаса зависи од избора одговарајуће технологије пумпања. Две од најраспрострањенијих технологија су дубинске пумпе са клипним шипкама (енгл. Sucker rod pumps- SRP) и електричне потапајуће пумпе (енгл. Electrical submersible pump- ESP). Овај завршни рад ће ...Анастасија Мирјанић. Избор одговарајуће механичке методе, 2024
Paleontološke karakteristike i biostratigrafski značaj rudistnog senonskog roda pseudopolyconites Milovanović
Mileva Sladić-Trifunović (1980)Mileva Sladić-Trifunović. Paleontološke karakteristike i biostratigrafski značaj rudistnog senonskog roda pseudopolyconites Milovanović, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1980
Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production
Maja Trikić (2024)This paper will thoroughly examine how machine learning can improve the diagnosis of deep well pumps by analyzing the role and function of the pumps, dynamograms, sensor technologies, and diagnostic methods.Our analysis will provide insights into modern techniques and approaches for enhancing the performance and reliability of oil production systems, targeting cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.deep well pump, dynamograms, machine learning, diagnostics of operating coditions,Random Forest, XGBoostMaja Trikić. Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production, 2024
Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović (2023)The integration of wastewater heat pumps (using purified water) in district heating systems is analyzed in this paper. The simulation procedure is proposed to analyze the impacts of stochasticity of purified water temperature and flow to heat pump integration and operation. The analysis includes calculation of the daily and seasonal coefficient of performance, as well as fossil fuel savings and CO2 emission reduction due to wastewater heat pump use. The proposed procedure is implemented for the case study in ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović. "Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI220813168I М23
Innovative solution for the pump impeller shaft sealing
Batalović Veselin (2012)Batalović Veselin. "Innovative solution for the pump impeller shaft sealing" in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering November 2012 226 no. 4 (2012): 263-271. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954408911425886 M23
Morfološke paleoekološke i biostratigrafske odlike roda clypeaster(Echinoidea) iz neogenskih sedimenata Bosne i Srbije
Marina Dimić (1997)Marina Dimić. Morfološke paleoekološke i biostratigrafske odlike roda clypeaster(Echinoidea) iz neogenskih sedimenata Bosne i Srbije, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1997
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022) М23
Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump
Veselin Batalović, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović-Maričić . "Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump" in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2011): 267-273 M21
Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells
Electric submersible pumps (ESP) are applied in wells where additional energy is needed to ensure discharge of the fluid to the surface through the tubing. At the discharge side of the pump the fluid has bigger velocity, thus the pump induces a forced convection between the fluid and the tubing inner surface. Understanding of convective heat transfer in wellbores and analyses of influential parameters provides a possibility to optimise value of convective heat transfer coefficient in order to avoid ...Bojan Martinovic, Marija Živković, Branko Grubač. "Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells" in International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Inderscience Publishers (2021). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2021.10043281 М23
Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić (2022)Decarbonization of district heating systems requires ensuring significant amounts of renewable energy available in the proximity of the district heating network. One of the promising solutions is the utilization of purified water from wastewater treatment plants by heat pumps. However, as a heat source, wastewater treatment plants are characterized by annual variability of the flow and temperature of purified water. The consequence is the variability of recoverable heat potential. In this paper, the effect of variability is analyzed for ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić. "Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems" in 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Niš, Serbia, October 18 – 21, 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš (2022) М33
Mechanical activation and silver supplementation as determinants of the antibacterial activity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Ljubica Anđelković, Marija Šuljagić, Vladimir Pavlović, Miljana Mirković, Boško Vrbica, Irena Novaković, Dalibor Stanković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vuk Uskoković (2024)This study employed a novel synthetic approach involving a modified reverse co-precipitation method utilizing glacial acetic acid to synthesize α-Bi2O3 . X-ray powder diffraction and scanning and transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed the formation of a rod-like α-Bi2O3 microstructure. The prepared material was utilized to modify a glassy carbon paste (GCP) electrode for the development of an electrochemical sensor for acetaminophen (APAP) detection using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Cyclic voltammetry studies revealed that the GCP@Bi2O3 electrode exhibited enhanced electrochemical properties compared to the bare ...štapićasta a-Bi2O3 mikrostruktura, reverzna sinteza ko-precipitacije, elektrohemijski senzor, detekcija acetaminofenaLjubica Anđelković, Marija Šuljagić, Vladimir Pavlović, Miljana Mirković, Boško Vrbica, Irena Novaković, Dalibor Stanković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Vuk Uskoković. "Mechanical activation and silver supplementation as determinants of the antibacterial activity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles" in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.133890 М22
Mogućnost korišćenјa toplotnih pumpi sa otpadnom toplotom iz postrojenјa za prečišćavanјe otpadnih voda kao toplotnim izvorom
U narednom periodu se planira izgradnja nekoliko desetina sistema za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u većim gradovima u Srbiji. Iskustva iz postrojenja koja su trenutno u radu, pokazuju da bi prečišćena otpadna voda, s obzirom na protok i temperaturu, mogla da predstavlja značajan izvor obnovljive energije. U radu su prikazani primeri dobre prakse korišćenja ove energije u sistemima daljinskog grejanja u zemljama Evropske unije. Analiziran je rad postrojenja za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u Šapcu i razmotrena je mogućnost njegovog korišćenja ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović. "Mogućnost korišćenјa toplotnih pumpi sa otpadnom toplotom iz postrojenјa za prečišćavanјe otpadnih voda kao toplotnim izvorom" in Energija, Ekonomija, Ekologija, University Library in Kragujevac (2021). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE21-1.11I М52
Paleoecological Characteristics of Molluscs of The Pleistocene Corbicula Beds in The Sava Riparian Area in Belgrade (Serbia)
Плеистоценске алувијалне наслаге приобаља Саве у Београду имају значајну дебљину, а због присуства шкољака из рода Corbicula биле су познате као „ слојеви са Corbicula fluminalisˮ. Слатководне шкољке (шкољке) из рода Корбикула имају значајну распрострањеност и велики климатостратиграфски значај у алувијалним квартарним наслагама реке Саве код Београда. Присутна су два морфотипа ових шкољака: плеистоценске корбикуле су повезане са палеотоковима„пра-Саве“, док су остаци савремене корбикула просторно ограничени на сваремене токове реке Саве. Обе су веома успешне инвазивне врсте које су ...Barbara Radulović, Draženko Nenadić, Katarina Bogićević, Slobodan Knežević . "Paleoecological Characteristics of Molluscs of The Pleistocene Corbicula Beds in The Sava Riparian Area in Belgrade (Serbia)" in Посебно издание на Geologica Macedonica, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип (2021) М51
Badenske školjke jugoistočnog oboda Panonskkog basena (Centralni Paratetis)
Gordana M. Jovanović (2014-12-05)Rad obuhvata detaljnu studiju badenskih školjaka koje potiču sa terenajugoistočnog oboda Panonskog basena (Centralni Paratetis). Proučavani su lokaliteti naprostorima Srbije (Fruška gora, Golubac, okolina Beograda, Aranđelovca, Koceljeva,Loznica) i severoistočne Bosne (Ugljevik). Pored taksonomske analize i paleontološkihopisa bivalvija, u radu je dat i spisak revidovanih vrsta koje su do sada pronađene usedimentima badenskog kata istraživanog terena. Do sada je ukupno poznato 41familija, 108 rodova i 174 taksona. Identifikovano je 170 bivalvijskih vrsta, međukojima su neke prvi put konstatovane na ovim ...školjke, baden, Panonski basen (Centralni Paratetis), stratigrafija,paleoekologija, paleogeografija, paleobiogeografijaGordana M. Jovanović. "Badenske školjke jugoistočnog oboda Panonskkog basena (Centralni Paratetis)" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-12-05)
Mikroorganizmi - biohidrogeološki indikatori odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije
Vladimir Šaraba (2021)Sa namerom definisanja hidrogeološke uloge i značaja mikrobiološkog diverziteta odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije, primenom sistema biodetektora, dokazano je prisustvo gvožđevitih, sulfato-redukujućih, sluz-produkujućih, heterotrofnih aerobnih i denitrifikacionih bakterija, na osnovu čega je proračunat rizik od razvoja procesa biokorozije i biohemijske inkrustacije, te zdravstveni rizik. Uz procenu rizika, izvedene su analize skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije biofilmova i hidrogeohemijsko modeliranje, te makroskopska, otpička i difrakciona ispitivanja naslaga inkrustacije, dok je fizičko-hemijskim analizama utvrđena vrednost ukupne mineralizacije iznad 1 g/L, kao i povišeni ...biohidrogeologija, SEM analize, makroskopska i optička ispitivanja, rendgenska difrakcija praha, hidrogeohemijsko modeliranje, BART analize, metabarkoding analize mikrobioma, fizičko-hemijske analize, starenje bunara (biokorozija, biohemijska inkrustacija i biozarastanje), zdravstveni rizikVladimir Šaraba. Mikroorganizmi - biohidrogeološki indikatori odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije, Beograd : [V. Šaraba], 2021 M70
Uporedna morfologija fosilnih kičmenjaka
Katarina Bogićević (2018)Katarina Bogićević. Uporedna morfologija fosilnih kičmenjaka, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2018 Без категорије