Life Cycle Assessment of Fly Ash Landfills from Lignite Combustion Process in Thermal Power Plants in Serbia


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Ognjen Adamović, Lisa Hallberg, Erik Emilsson, Ivica Ristović
9th International Conference MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 24-27.05.2023., Soko Banja
prof. dr Ivica Ristović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
Датум издавања
Velika količina energije u svetu se i dalje dobija sagorevanjem raznih vrsta ugljeva. Pored toga veliki problem predstavlja i činjenica da njegovo sagorevanje ima štetne posledice po zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu. Elektrofilterski pepeo nastao njegovim sagorevanjem, koji se tretira kao otpad i u najvećim količinama se odlaže na deponije. Količine se procenjuju na milijardu tona godišnje. Samo u Srbiji oko 250 miliona tona letećeg pepela, koji je nastao sagorevanjem lignita, je deponovan. Međutim, mnoge studije su pokazale da ova vrsta otpada sadrži određenu količinu elemenata retkih zemalja (REE) koji se mogu valorizovati, što daje vrednost ovoj vrsti otpada. Posebno danas kada su ovi elementi preko potrebni zbog napretka tehnologije. Ovaj rad će koristiti metodu procene životnog ciklusa (LCA) da pruži uvid u uticaj ekstrakcije retkih zemlje od letećeg pepela na životnu sredinu.
A large amount of energy in the world is still obtained by burning various types of coal. In addition to the fact that its combustion has harmful consequences for the health of people and the environment, a big problem is also the fly ash produced by its combustion, which is treated as waste and in the largest quantities disposed in landfills. The quantities are estimated at one billion tons annually. In Serbia alone, about 250 million tons of fly ash, which was created by burning lignite, have been deposited up to this moment. However, many studies have shown that this type of waste contains a certain amount of rare earth elements (REE) that can be valorized, which gives value to this type of waste. Especially today when these elements are much needed due to the advancement in technology. This paper will use the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method to provide insight into the impact of the extraction of rare earths from fly ash on the environment.
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Просторно покривање
LCA, deponija, lignit, leteći pepeo
LCA, landfill, lignite, fly ash
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RECO2MAG project “Grain boundaries engineered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets”, Grant number– 21043. (
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Ognjen Adamović, Lisa Hallberg, Erik Emilsson, Ivica Ristović. "Life Cycle Assessment of Fly Ash Landfills from Lignite Combustion Process in Thermal Power Plants in Serbia" in 9th International Conference MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 24-27.05.2023., Soko Banja, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023) М33

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