Design and performing gravel pack using mechanical packer


Врста завршног рада
Мастер рад
en Dejan Pavlov
Година одбране
en Dušan Danilović
Чланови комисије
en Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Branko Leković
en During the production of reservoir fluids, production of layer sand may occur due to one or a combination of several factors. These factors are the reservoir rock type, which can be unconsolidated sandstone, high depression value, increased water cut, turbulent flow regime of the reservoir fluid in the near-well zone, or hydraulic impacts that occur during the operation of the suck rod pump. This paper will include production wells completion with an improved Gravel Pack system, which enables more effective prevention of layer sand inflow during production. The advanced Gravel Pack system involves the use of a GPPU and a mechanical packer. The well A-Z-1 will be taken as an example of well completion in an oil field with similar geological and technological characteristics.
Кључне речи
en Gravel Pack, Sand control, Gravel Pack Pumping Unit (GPPU), Mechanical packer
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Dejan Pavlov. Design and performing gravel pack using mechanical packer, 2022

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