742 items
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tetradentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are responsible ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry,General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5
Development of the Cost-Based Model for Monitoring the Lifetime of the Earth Moving Machines
This paper presents the model for the identification of reference points on the lifetime curve of engineering systems. This curve commonly represents the increase and decline of failure in relation to time. A direct correlation between failure rate and costs is assumed in this paper, therefore, statistical and empirical analysis of costs provided reference points. This approach is used for positioning stages of the engineering system’s lifetime with a minimal number of failures and costs, regardless of whether these ...Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Control and Optimization, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science (miscellaneous), Control and Systems EngineeringUgljesa Bugarić, Milos Tanasijević, Stevan Djenadić, Dragan Ignjatović, Ivan Janković. "Development of the Cost-Based Model for Monitoring the Lifetime of the Earth Moving Machines" in Machines, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/machines10110995
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tet radentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5
Estimating hydraulic parameters for the complex hydrodynamic models
Hydrodynamic models have usually been calibrated manually, by trial-and-error, with different values of hydraulic parameters and hydraulic characteristics of boundary conditions. This method of calibration and estimation of hydraulic parameters requires an extensive knowledge and experience of experts, but whether the resulting solution includes an optimal set of parameters still remains an open question. An optimization method founded upon the Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm, along with PEST software based on that algorithm, introduces automation of model calibration with regularization, which substantially ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin. "Estimating hydraulic parameters for the complex hydrodynamic models" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2018). https://doi.org/10.5937/mmeb1704029P
Transformer-Based Composite Language Models for Text Evaluation and Classification
Parallel natural language processing systems were previously successfully tested on the tasks of part-of-speech tagging and authorship attribution through mini-language modeling, for which they achieved significantly better results than independent methods in the cases of seven European languages. The aim of this paper is to present the advantages of using composite language models in the processing and evaluation of texts written in arbitrary highly inflective and morphology-rich natural language, particularly Serbian. A perplexity-based dataset, the main asset for the ...Mihailo Škorić, Miloš Utvić, Ranka Stanković. "Transformer-Based Composite Language Models for Text Evaluation and Classification" in Mathematics, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/math11224660
A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications
Dejan Radivojević (2020)Миланковићева теорија циклуса објављена пре сто година је најважнија теорија у наукама које проучавају климу и имала је велики утицај на дисциплине које се баве Земљом. Ипак, његов рад је чекао више од педесет година да би добио потврду. Може се рећи да Миланковићев рад највећи утицај на геологију има у изради астрономске временске скале, подршци хипотези континенталног дрифта и палеоклиматологији. Добри резултати примене астрономске временске скале на неогене седименте иницирали су примену ове методе у мезозојским и у последње ...циклостратиграфија, астономска временска скала, геолошка временска скала, климатске промене, континентални дрифтDejan Radivojević. "A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko geološki fakultet (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201125011R
Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans
Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović (2019)As a result of the fact that karstified rocks can accumulate large amounts of high-quality groundwater, karst aquifer is considered, throughout the world, one of the most important types of aquifers. Due to their high permeability, but also vulnerability to pollution, these precious groundwater resources need to be properly evaluated and protected. Taking into account heterogeneity and complexity of the karst environment, it is difficult to propose a uniform algorithm for managing karst groundwater, which causes the necessity to ...Upravljanje karstnim podzemnim vodama, Pritisci na kvantitet voda, Plan upravljanja vodnim resursima, Bosna i Hercegovina, SrbijaVeljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8364-3
Constitutive Model for Analysis of Long-Term Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement
Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Dragoslav Rakić, Mirjana Vukićević, Sanja Jocković, Jovana Janković Pantić (2022)Large long-term settlement occurs at the municipal solid waste landfills over an extended period of time which may lead to breakage of the geomembrane, damage of the cover systems, other protective systems or facilities constructed on top of a landfill. Also, municipal solid waste is an extremely heterogeneous material and its properties vary over location and time within a landfill. These material characteristics require the formulation of a new constitutive model to predict the long-term settlement of municipal solid ...Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Dragoslav Rakić, Mirjana Vukićević, Sanja Jocković, Jovana Janković Pantić. "Constitutive Model for Analysis of Long-Term Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement" in ICEG 2022: International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2022)
Parallel Stylometric Document Embeddings with Deep Learning Based Language Models in Literary Authorship Attribution
This paper explores the effectiveness of parallel stylometric document embeddings in solving the authorship attribution task by testing a novel approach on literary texts in 7 different languages, totaling in 7051 unique 10,000-token chunks from 700 PoS and lemma annotated documents. We used these documents to produce four document embedding models using Stylo R package (word-based, lemma-based, PoS-trigrams-based, and PoS-mask-based) and one document embedding model using mBERT for each of the seven languages. We created further derivations of these ...Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Milica Ikonić Nešić, Joanna Byszuk, Maciej Eder. "Parallel Stylometric Document Embeddings with Deep Learning Based Language Models in Literary Authorship Attribution" in Mathematics, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/math10050838
Hydrodynamic analysis application of contaminated groundwater remediation to oil hydrocarbons
U ovom radu sagledana je primena hidrodinamičke analize u okviru odabrane remedijacione metode ,,pumpanja i tretiranja” kontaminiranih podzemnih voda ugljovodonicima, na primeru pretakališta rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Primenjena hidrodinamička analiza predstavlja pravilan, a sve češće i neophodan pristup u savremenoj hidrogeologiji. Prethodnim hemijskim analizama uzoraka tla i podzemnih voda na istražno-osmatračkim objektima detektovano je zagađenje produktima nafte. Novoizvedena istraživanja obuhvatila su izvođenje 12 pijezometara različitih dubina, geoelektrično sondiranje tla, ,,in situ” merenja prisutnog kontaminanta, izdvojenog kao hidrofobna faza LNAPL, ...Predrag Pajić, Aleksandar Čalenić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Hydrodynamic analysis application of contaminated groundwater remediation to oil hydrocarbons" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2018). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1706825P
Simulation of groundwater regime and quantification of groundwater balance by means of hydrodynamic analysis: Case of open-cast mine 'Jakovačka Kumša'
Hidrodinamička analiza, kao metodološki postupak, korišćena je za simulaciju režima i kvantifikaciju bilansa podzemnih voda na širem području Površinskog kopa „Jakovačka Kumša“. Istražni prostor obuhvata i deo beogradskog izvorišta podzemnih voda koje se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini površinskog kopa, u priobalju reke Save. Na površinskom kopu se vrši eksploatacija peska, koji se koristi kao građevinski materijal. Analizom i sintezom podataka koji se odnose na geološke i hidrogeološke ka-rakteristike područja, u radu je prikazan trodimenzionalni hidrogeološki model istražnog područja. Prevođenje ...hidrogeološki model, hidrodinamički model, izvorište podzemnih voda, numerička metoda konačnih razlika, ModflowDušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Đorđije Božović, Predrag Pajić. "Simulation of groundwater regime and quantification of groundwater balance by means of hydrodynamic analysis: Case of open-cast mine 'Jakovačka Kumša'" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1901056P
Human Hemoglobin and Antipsychotics Clozapine, Ziprasidone and Sertindole: Friends or Foes?
Lena Platanić Arizanović, Nikola Gligorijević, Ilija Cvijetić, Aleksandar Mijatović, Maja Krstić Ristivojević, Simeon Minić, Aleksandra Nikolić Kokić, Čedo Miljević, Milan Nikolić (2023)Packed with hemoglobin, an essential protein for oxygen transport, human erythrocytes are a suitable model system for testing the pleiotropic effects of lipophilic drugs. Our study investi gated the interaction between antipsychotic drugs clozapine, ziprasidone, sertindole, and human hemoglobin under simulated physiological conditions. Analysis of protein fluorescence quenching at different temperatures and data obtained from the van’t Hoff diagram and molecular docking indicate that the interactions are static and that the tetrameric human hemoglobin has one binding site for ...Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Computer Science Applications, Spectroscopy, Molecular Biology, General Medicine, CatalysisLena Platanić Arizanović, Nikola Gligorijević, Ilija Cvijetić, Aleksandar Mijatović, Maja Krstić Ristivojević, Simeon Minić, Aleksandra Nikolić Kokić, Čedo Miljević, Milan Nikolić. "Human Hemoglobin and Antipsychotics Clozapine, Ziprasidone and Sertindole: Friends or Foes?" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24108921
Hydrochemical impact of the hydraulic tunnel on groundwater in the complex aquifer system in Pirot, Serbia
Hidrogeohemijski procesi, hidrohemijske promene, karstna izdan, tunel pod pritiskom, multivarijantne statističke analizeMarina Ćuk, Igor Jemcov, Ana Mladenović, Marina Čokorilo Ilić. "Hydrochemical impact of the hydraulic tunnel on groundwater in the complex aquifer system in Pirot, Serbia" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-020-00563-y
A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites
Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska (2021)Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska. "A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites" in Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149551
Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)
The transboundary Cijevna River Basin shared between Albania and Montenegro has a surface area of 650 km2. It is extremely important for water management, especially in the country of Montenegro which is downstream. Due to the high permeability of both the karst and intergranular aquifers that exist in the basin, the River Cijevna sinks along the length of its riverbed and in summer months it usually dries up completely at the confluence section. Hydrometry surveys undertaken during a drought ...Upravljanje međugraničnim vodama, ranjivost podzemnih voda, monitoring mreža, karstne izdani, Albanija, Crna GoraMomčilo Blagojević, Zoran Stevanović, Milan Radulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-8809-8
Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste
Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović (2022)Regardless of the numerous activities undertaken to reduce municipal solid waste, its annual volumes continue to grow. In Serbia, the most common and the only one form of waste disposal is at municipal landfills with daily compaction and soil covering. Municipal waste compacting is one of the basic components of the disposal process. Well compacted waste takes up less volume and allows much safer storage. In order to better predict the behavior of municipal waste at landfills, it is ...Jovana Janković Pantic, Dragoslav Rakić, Tina Đurić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Snežana Bogdanović. "Compaction of Municipal Solid Waste" in ICEG 2022: International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2022)
Against the tide: southeast to northwest shelf-edge progradation in the southeastern margin of Lake Pannon, Banat (Serbia and Romania)
In the late Neogene, the Pannonian Basin in Central Europe was filled with sediments when rivers from the Alps and Carpathians shed their sediment load into Lake Pannon. The most powerful source-to-sink system was that of the paleo-Danube, transporting sediments from the NW as far as the southeastern part of the lake. In the southeastern margin of the basin, however, local sedimentary systems worked in the opposite direction, against the “tide” of the prevailing N to S sediment transport. ...Dejan Radivojević, Miloš Radonjić, Lajos Tamás Katona, Imre Magyar. "Against the tide: southeast to northwest shelf-edge progradation in the southeastern margin of Lake Pannon, Banat (Serbia and Romania)" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-022-02188-z
The lost freshwater goby fish fauna (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the early Miocene of Klinci (Serbia)
Freshwater gobies played an important role in the Miocene paleolakes of central and southeastern Europe. Much data have been gathered from isolated otoliths, but articulated skeletons are relatively rare. Here, we review a rich assemblage of articulated gobies with abundant otoliths in situ from the late early Miocene lake deposits of Klinci in the Valjevo freshwater lake of the Valjevo-Mionica Basin of Serbia. The fauna was originally described by Anđelković in 1978, who noted many different fishes, including one ...Katarina Bradić-Milinović, Harald Ahnelt, Ljupko Rundić, Werner Schwarzhans. "The lost freshwater goby fish fauna (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the early Miocene of Klinci (Serbia)" in Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13358-019-00194-4
CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change
The new GIS-based CC-PESTO method is shown to successfully assess and map the vulnerability/resilience of karst aquifers to effects of climate change. Karst aquifers were chosen due to their importance at the global level and widespread utilisation in potable water supply and irrigation, but also because of their hydrogeological complexity. The method was developed to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, without considering the direct impact of variable climate factors, but considering the adaptive capacity of aquifers in response ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Jelena Krstajić. "CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02251-6
Multi-elemental analysis of real water samples from the Požega area, Serbia
Nebojša Pantelić, Jana Štrbački, Ivana Maloparac, Nikola Tomašević, Biljana Dojčinović, Aleksandar Kostić (2022)Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje kvaliteta realnih uzoraka vode za piće, prikupljenih sa teritorije grada Požege i okolnih seoskih naselja. Za određivanje koncentracije makro i mikroelemenata u uzorcima vode korišćena je analitička tehnika induktivno kuplovana plazma sa optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom, ICP-OES. Dobijeni rezultati upoređivani su sa maksimalno dozvoljenim kocentracijama elemenata propisanim nacionalnim Pravilnikom o higijenskoj ispravnosti vode za piće, kao i preporukama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) i Američke agencije za zaštitu životne sredine (EPA). Analizirane vode su malomineralizovane ...Nebojša Pantelić, Jana Štrbački, Ivana Maloparac, Nikola Tomašević, Biljana Dojčinović, Aleksandar Kostić. "Multi-elemental analysis of real water samples from the Požega area, Serbia" in Zastita materijala, Inženjersko društvo za koroziju (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/zasmat2201058P